As the chance encounter began to draw to a close, one could see the armored warrior standing tall over the fetid fields that resided beneath the party. As the spawns of the foul creature were laid to rest, Koji fell back in with the party as they began to regroup for the trek ahead. In his mind, Koji blamed himself for this incident, giving praise to the Dragon Lord that none of his comrades had come to harm. Still, this experience served to prove one crucial point... He should have never left the front. "[color=39b54a]I will scout. Need eyes ahead.[/color]" Try as he might, the language of this country still escaped him- only able to piece together simple phrases and sentences to get his point across. Taking but a moment to clean his blade and armor of the rancid muck, Koji then leapt into the trees as he waited for his party to ready. Once they were on the move, he'd begin bounding ahead on the path- eyes peeled for anything that would attempt to endanger his charges yet again. [hr] Time seemed to drag on as the warrior made his leaps and bounds ahead of the group, pausing every few moments to look back and ensure the caravan was within distance of his jump. He attempted to ignore the encroaching fatigue that had been plaguing him since the battle earlier that day, made all the more difficult by the growing humidity of the forest around him. Having lived a majority of his life on or near mountains; this sudden change in climate made it hard for the warrior to keep his thoughts- let alone focus on his self-appointed task. Still, he managed; eyes scanning around the canopy and the underbrush for any signs of hostile life. Abruptly, the warrior gave pause, his eyes settling upon a massive tree and its contents with a curious gaze. Cautiously, Koji would move in closer for a better look, keeping in mind that this abode may not have been abandoned. Once he verified his suspicions, the warrior rounded from the tree and leapt back to the party. [hr] Landing with a subtle thud upon the pathway of which the party traversed, Koji stood with a hand raised above his head- a sign to halt their travels. The first one to approach him would receive his report, "[color=39b54a]Large tree,[/color]" He said, indicating the direction of which he had spotted the massive timber, "[color=39b54a]I notice nest. Nothing there... Could be on hunt, or in sky. Not sure. But seems odd. I could scout again, but it may be waste.[/color]" Having virtually no experience with forested areas, if asked about what it seemed to be a nest for, Koji would shake his head, "[color=39b54a]I know not.[/color]" Try as he might, if asked to describe the tree, he could only relay the simplest of details, leaving those hungering for information wanting. Still, he stood by, awaiting his comrade’s decision- all the while with his eyes trained on the canopy above.