Yami saw where Mahad pointed, and heard him as he noticed something odd. Seeing the flash of gold, Yami took note where that was before getting off the roof and into the room. "Go assist. I'll be there soon. Seto may even want payback." The former pharaoh told Mahad as he then went out of the room. "Yugi. I'll be right back. I need to check something out." He said as he grabbed his own phone and his duel disk. "I'll be out Grandpa!" He told him, going to the front door when he passed Seto who got up. "I want to come with you. Knowing you are about to get into something without some sort of plan in mind." Yami stopped as he looked to the older Kaiba. "Are you sure?" Seto scoffed a chuckle. "Bruises and scratches won't hurt me none." He grabbed his deck and duel disk. "I'll be back Mokuba." Joey and Tristen overheard and looked to the little duo. "We'll man the fort while your gone. Make sure no one comes to wreck anything and all." Joey declared. "With you on that Joey." Tristen agreed.