Reasonably impressed by Kimura's take on the hexagon, Rikyu stepped up and sighed, jumping over the cones, again better than someone with no experience but for a basketball player of his status it was painful. While Rikyu's speed and strength in this lacked, it became evident Rikyu had an excellent balance, landing perfectly. Which made sense, Rikyu knew all the movements that should be made, he just lacked the raw talent to perform them with great strength. Michiko noted this from the sideline as she walked down to Izumi and Taki. Once she reached the two, Michiko gave a smile and said, "Alright, Taki if you don't have such an efficient style you should work on some more conditioning. 5 more please. Izumi, you can go too, I want to see how well those light steps go for you, plus it'll give your brother a little motivation," then turned, walking back up. Right as she put her foot on the bottom of the sideline, Michiko yelled "Go!" with a chuckle as she continued walking up. Masaru, smiling at this Naoki guy's performance, said, "Not bad," and displayed his specialty again, going forwards with great speed and back with matching speed, easily doing the agility ladder, and Masaru could tell he did it faster than Naoki. Groaning a bit with a smile, Masaru said, "Ow, that's uncomfortable, my legs are too much shorter than yours Naoki-kun, I think you did better," with a weak laugh, Masaru knowing that he was visibly faster on the ladder.