It was around 1:21 am, the coffee in both of the mugs was ice cold by this point.  The stacks of paper works, folders, all strewn about on the glass tabletop as the two man were feeling the effects of this late night session.  "Not going to lie Fury, this is one Hell of a team you've got here."  The white, slightly balding man leaned back in his chair, adjusting his tie as he spoke.  Still refusing to let his suit be loosened up even after all the time they spent working.  "Correction Agent Coulson, what [i]we've[/i] got here."  The slightly larger stoic man told Coulson, his non patched eye glancing over to the other man as he remained standing.  "Either way, we've got two science whiz kids, a possessed biker demon, an air force pilot, a billionaire and his former adopted son I guess, a magician straight out of Vegas, a Hawaiian who looks like refuses to wear a shirt, a..." "I'm well aware what I'm working with Coulson."  Fury's calm but focus tone quickly silenced the agent.  "Trust me I realize what we have here, too many combustible elements, not nearly the level of field experience I want for someone to go into the kind of things they're going to go into.  If Washington thinks this will work I'm glad they have such an active imagination, but they're frankly crazy."  Nick Fury breathed quietly out of his nose as he glanced around at the various files that were all laid sloppily in front of him.  Outside of 'Logan' and Virginia Potts, no one with any military experience.  Some of them Fury was seriously curious if they've ever thrown an actual punch in their lives. Regardless, it was worth a try, as the corruption within the different cities and states were getting out of line, and it was about time to crack down on it all. Regular SHIELD agents weren't going to cut it, as the influx of metahumans and different phenomenon was increasing with each day, month, and year that passed. He would overlook this operation, and give it a single chance.  He could make a plan B if he had to, he did before and he could again if need be.  If shit hit the fan, however...he didn't want to think of the backlash. It could either go peacefully, with the team breaking up and going their separate ways, or it could go another, more destructive path. Plan B would have to work, in that worst case scenario.  If he had to go to it though, it damn sure wasn't going to be pretty. "We're going to brief them on the heli-carrier base, correct, Fury?" Coulson asked, rifling through a few of the assorted files. The assorted team truly was one of a kind. Fury grunted from across the table, bring a gloved hand up to rub the area around his eye patch. Migraines would be the least of his worries. "Yeah, I've sent notices of the location to them all. I want carriers ready to bring them from where ever to the helicarrier and have them here by 6 am local time sharp.  If they have a problem with it let the agents know they can slap them or something, usually a good way to wake someone up."  Fury's faint smile still hid wither he was being serious or not.  Coulson personally figured it'd be best to assume so, slapping any one of these people would probably end poorly. [i][b]~The Next Morning~[/b][/i] The last few weeks for Peter Parker had been all at once stressful, strange, and depressing all at once. Sure the space station project was never his dream idea. However it was something he put so much time and effort into it still meant the world to him to see it working, to be a part of something so potentially history altering. Than it all came crashing down with a damn cosmic radiation shower no one saw coming. Well they did, but it came two weeks ahead of what they had calculated. Still Peter has been searching with no results for the other two, trying to help assess what happened with the station and if it can be repaired, finally just trying to figure out what happened to him, and why all of the sudden his one of those Stretch Armstrong dolls he had as a kid. Just hopefully without the weird ooze that came out of that doll when you cut it open. In between it all he saw his Aunt and Uncle and ended up showing them what had happened to him, his aunt fainted. He couldn't blame her, the first morning he woke up in a hospital and his body was a noodle like mess of limbs and torso all over the bed and floor he was about ready to pass out from the shock. When it was all said and done however, Peter knew in his heart the blame laid at his lap. Even when his superiors at the program tried to assure him it was a freak occurrence, something that no one could of possibly seen coming. Peter just blamed himself, it was his protection plans that failed. It wasn't even that it failed, it failed on a spectacular level. It was all going through his mind as his still sleepy brain tried to adjust to being in the small craft carrier. “Mr. Parker we'll be arriving in a few moments.” The SHIELD agent told him. He gave her a small smile and nod in response but soon as the clouds before the craft parted, his jaw hit the floor when he saw the helicarrier itself. “Mwghagh shafgh!” Having to pick his jaw back up off the ground and put it back in place Peter let his neck slowly stretch out. Getting a closer view of the front window that showed this magnificent piece of modern know how. “Wow...” Peter could only mutter in awe of what he saw. He wanted to know more about this thing, everything that made it tick. Hell now he wanted to see what else SHIELD had up its sleeve. As Peter got his sole gym bag of things he brought for this little introduction Peter tried to keep his geeky excitement contained as he stepped off the craft and into the helicarrier for the first time. It was simply amazing how the craft was able to sustain flight like this even with the sheer mass of people and metal it held up in the air so high. Peter wanted to find some of the people responsible for this, and immediately shake their hands in glee. As Peter got inside, the SHIELD agent directed him to a small auditorium, he was the first one in it seemed like. Which wasn't a biggie as he was set to pull out his 3DS and get back on his Pokemon catching adventure. However footsteps and the door automatically opening suddenly brought that plan to a screeching halt. Peter's jaw hung loose as he had to keep it from hitting the ground again. He stared on as the person coming in immediately stopped seeing him. “...Gwen?” Peter asked. “...Peter?” Gwen Stacy could only meekly let out in her shock. Dropping her backpack haphazardly to the ground. Peter wasn't sure what to do, but his body went to putting his gym bag down, and going for a warm friendly hug with a friend he hadn't seen in some time. However said warm friendly hug quickly turned to getting tackled and shaken like James Bond's favorite drink. “PETER HOW COULD YOU JUST UP AND LEAVE LIKE THAT WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU CAN'T EVEN SAY GOODBYE AND JUST LEAVE...!” Gwen's voice as she kept going was a weird combination of shock, glee, anger, frustration, and something else Peter was too busy getting his brain rattled in his head to figure out. “I just wanted a nice hug! I JUST WANTED A NICE HUG!” Peter called out in panic as the two SHIELD agents got Gwen off of Peter and the young man could get back to his feet. Peter and Gwen needed a moment but they were able to slowly talk it out, sitting at two of the seats up front. Peter told Gwen about the think tank program, and how he ended up in space before cosmic radiation mutated him all elastic. Showing it off by stretching himself all the way from floor to ceiling of the room, and twisting himself around before snapping back to normal. Gwen on the other hand talked about Osborn Corp, and the spider that bit her leading to her powers. “Man, what the Hell happened to us?” Gwen casually asked leaning down on the nice padded seat. “Eh, considering how people looked at us I'm sure we fared better than expected.” Peter replied as he did likewise. Gwen paused for a moment, letting a soft smile creep onto her face as she glanced back at Peter. “Well, it is good seeing you again.” She told Peter, who glanced over and smiled back. “Yeah, likewise.”