Hearing that the last Imperial GEAR was down gave Adrian a moment. Just enough to reflect on the dents he’d put in his own armor when he bounced off of a hostile and realize just how embarrassing a moment it was. All his experience and he could still make such a basic error. Why hadn’t he checked the corner? Because reasons. He sighed. Then the coms flared to life and it was time to get back in the saddle. The fight wasn’t over—it was never so simple in the Roughriders. He took a hand off the controls for a moment, to worm it underneath the visor of his helmet and rub the bridge of his muzzle. [i]We’re pushing our luck as is. I’ve got half a mind to just let them go, but orders are orders. Besides, what would it look like if we didn’t at least put in a token effort?[/i] “Calm down, Aihara,” Adrian grumbled off coms as he returned to attention, before speaking up. “Guess that means there’s one elite squad from a global superpower left. What about it, Cap? Buddy system? If so, I call the kid.” He turned toward Aihara. “I want to keep him out of trouble.” [i]And I oughta take a little care myself.[/i]