Christian awoke early in the morning. He was doing physical exercises to keep himself in shape. One of the many philosophies Emma had taught him was that "your body needs to be as tough as your mind." So now he worked out his mind and body 5 hours a day each. He went up stairs to take a shower and when he got out, there was a present on his bed from Emma. He opened it and found a suit that was all white with a crossed shaped opening in the middle. A note fell out and he picked it up and read, "I know you don't have diamond skin so this should be the next best thing. Remember all Frost look good in white. Love Emma:)" Christian chuckled at the letter and stuffed the suit into his duffle bag along with the rest of his clothes. He had a satchel with his phone, computer and other technologies over his shoulder. He could here the SHIELD transport out side on the law and he went out to meet them. He was going to be going with SHIELD to be on some dream team. Christian only agreed, because he wanted out of this house and Emma asked him to do it. Now he sat in a transport, headed to meet the others. One thing Christian didn't notice was that they were going up not straight and he soon saw the heli-carrier. It was massive and Christian might have been impressed if he was into the whole "engineering" thing. When they landed the agent led him inside the carrier to the auditorium were three others were already seated. He sat on the edge next to the man and waited for the next big thing to happen. Christian decided to try to make friends so he turned to the man and introduce himself. "Hello I'm Christian Frost?" He said with a slightly British accent. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zachary Zatara was on the streets of Vegas that morning. He was setting up for a side show he did for extra cash on the side and he needed to get a good spot. One thing was gnawing at the back of his mind though. He had received a letter a few weeks ago from SHIELD enclosed by the government. It stated that he had been drafted to join a "team of elites" and help the world. He was supposed to send a letter of conformation but he never did, Zachary was not about to give up his seemingly stable life for some audition. But SHIELD had other ideas. The week after he did not send the letter, he almost lost his job, his bank accounts were frozen, and he nearly got evicted. Two of the three problems were fixed with some magic and charisma, but he was pissed. So now Zachary needed to make some extra money and was setting up his cardboard box podium. When he went down to fix the box, something zipped passed his head, missing it by a few center meters. "What the he-!" He was cut off by a SHIELD agent asking him to come with her quietly or she would have to use force. He reached for his wand and got stuck twice in the back. He fell to his knees, but before he passed out he pulled the two tranquilizer darts that said elephant on the side. Zachary black out but his mind was still awake. He watched the SHIELD agents pick his body up and carry it to the transport and fly out of Vegas. While he was on the transport he starred at the female agent and it felt like she was staring back at him, no through his soul. "Wow these guys are creepy." He thought to himself. When they arrived he was carried to the auditorium and sat on the floor. Zachary saw that there was four other people in the room but he could say anything to them. So he just had to wait for himself to wake up. "How much did they shoot me with?"