[@TheMadAsshatter] I was like 'lets do the most ridiculous jump possible so a bunch of things have changed but it's still Dust' at first I was like 'two weeks' then I was like 'a month' then I was like 'a year' and Mono was just like 'O-okay?' By skipping forward a year we can effectively resolve most of the plotlines new players might find themselves going in confused by, while also basically keeping our characters the same people. We can work out exactly what happens with all of our characters and the world in a timeline dealie. Which, I mean, at least in my mind, would effectively serve as a tl;dr for any potential new people, detailing day's 1 - 4 of the RP, and the year of skipping that follows, basically what our characters are doing and what happens to Dust after the effective fall of Motum Diversum. [@Lightning Fast] Are you saying you can't make that post as fast as lightning? [@Arcanaut] I think it's possible for them to have met at some point during the year.