[i][b]Name[/b][/i] Toa Jarhar [i][b]Kanohi Mask[/b][/i] Mask of Charisma - a Kanohi that allows its user to subtly alter the perception of one or more targets, changing how they view the world until they agree with the user's views and serve their cause. In essence, its power is to induce loyalty to the user in its targets. [i][b]Element[/b][/i] Iron [i][b]Primary Weapon[/b][/i] Jarhar wields two large protosteel bucklers in combat, utilising them as both defensively and offensively against opponents through either blocking their attacks or bludgeoning them. The silver-coloured objects are rounded and can usually be found attached to his arms. They serve as his Toa tools, and so can conduct his elemental energies (which also allow them to be modified in numerous ways). They also possess a secondary function in that they can be joined together to become a giant, rolling spiked bandalore to be utilised against tougher enemies. [i][b]Description of Appearance[/b][/i] Jarhar is a gaudy-looking fellow, armoured in a mishmash of bronze and grey, colours that clashed horribly on his being. The majority of his body is a bronze sheen, bordering on a rusted orange, but certain parts of him, such as his pauldrons and legs, are a shiny, metallic grey. His Kanohi Mask is, unlike the rest of his body, a gold colour, contrasting with his intense red gaze. In terms of build, the Toa of Iron is rather bulky, wearing a decent amount of armour that protects him from the blows of his enemies, though it comes at the cost of his mobility as well. Indeed, his appearance simply exudes power and endurance over speed or dexterity, and his fighting style only serves to match that perception, with his sure and measured movements befitting a master of the defence like him.