[color=red]"Inmate number 247-47, approach the cell entrance immediately,"[/color] Chris slowly turned towards the guard at the entrance. He looked at him for a long minute, trying to decide if he should associate these guards with Alpha's actions. His face had no expression, but his hard eyes on the guard's face betrayed his inner works slightly. But as he leaned forward to walk towards the guard, a heavy stone slid into his heart. The sensation was so sudden that he instinctively grabbed his chest, and looked down to see if he was attacked. But this... this was fear, wasn't it? The body's chemical reaction to fear. What the hell did they do to him!? [color=aqua]"Which... which one of us is that number."[/COLOR] He was physically forcing the words out of himself as he mirrored his cellmate's question. At this point he couldn't look away from the guard, even as she came closer. Instead of answering, the guard raised his right hand to chest-level and tapped his wrist where a watch would be. Puzzled, Chris looked at his left, then right wrist, and found a bracelet of smooth black material fit snugly to his hand. On it, the figure 24747 was represented by a collection of aluminium numbers screwed or glued to it. When the scientist raised it closer to his eyes to examine it, surprised he hadn't noticed it sooner, he became aware he couldn't feel the bracelet's touch against his skin. In fact, there was an aura of anasthetic around it, a black hole in his senses. He attempted to force telemetry from his skin, but something interfered with the signal. Something external. Just as Chris was about to push his finger under the bracelet, something pushed against his shoulder. Hard. He looked up at the guard, who was stabbing him with his shock baton, now fortunately off. [color=red]"Hands off."[/color] he growled through his teeth. At this point, some message stopped playing on the loudspeakers and the door to the cell opened. The scientist took a step forward, but stopped at the doorway of the cell. [color=aqua]"Yes."[/color] He tilted his head at the guard, to emphasize an inaudible question mark.