[hider=Amalia] Name: Amalia Frisk Nickname: Amy Race: Human Fable Gender: Female Appearance: Amalia is 5'6 with a slender build and is rather petite when it comes to her assets. Amalia keeps her body in good shape having good core strength and being well toned. Perfectly pure porcelain white skin just like her teeth. Shoulder length blonde hair which is usually messy or in a ponytail. Her eyes are naturally a crystalline blue but they change to red if she gets angry or uses her magic. Amalia usually wears baggy work clothes like jeans with suspenders and a shirt sometimes she wears a few places of jewellery. However she will dress up for special occasions. Job: Owns a traditional Danish bakery were she makes most of the food herself. From time to time she does employ other people if they are in need of a job or when she is doing holiday specials. Personality: She is kind and helpful when people need it. She can be a bit shy around people if they are trying to hit on her. Amalia always likes trying new things and exploring. However their is a dark side to her when someone is mean to her she goes into an uncontrollable rage due to her powers. Luckily she has a high tolerance when it comes to people being mean to her. She enjoys visiting the Farm because it reminds her of that magical world she had to leave behind. Fable: Amalia's story is a simple one of a mother loving her daughter and hating her stepdaughter Amalia. One day her mother took both children to the well and set them a task. It was a simple one they were both given thread to spin and who's ever thread broke first would be pushed in the well. Off corse Amalia was given thread that was of such poor quality it was in possible to spin so she was pushed in. Instead of falling to her death she instead found a wonderful land of magic at the bottom. She came across some vines that were in her way that asked Amalia not to hurt them. So she took her time by carefully walking between the gaps in the vines and gently moving some out of the way before putting them back. Next she came across an oven and she was hungry. The oven told her she could eat what she liked but asked Amalia not to hurt it. She ate the bread and thanked the oven for a lovely meal and shut its door. Next she came across a cow and Amalia was very thirsty so she asked the cow for some milk and it responded of corse she could all it asked was not to be hurt. She drank the milk until only drop was left and the cow asked her to rub the last bit on her hooves and put the bucket back. She did as she was asked thanking the cow before leaving. One day she came across a farm were an old woman resided who told her she use the girls services. Amalia was very grateful working very hard to earn her keep. She was summoned three times by the old woman each time giving her an impossible task. However on each task the local creatures told her how do them because she had been so kind to them. When a year had passed the old lady told her to go to the attic and pick out a casket from upstairs. Amalia considered many nice ones but was directed to a plain black one by the old woman's cats. When she returned home her stepmother was shocked and took the casket from her opening to find it full of treasure. The stepmother wanted more so she pushed her own daughter down the well. Unlike Amalia she was mean, rude and careless so none of the animals helped her with the tasks nor did they tell her the right casket to choose. The stepdaughter came home with her ruby red casket which when opened burned her stepmother and stepsister to death. This is were the original tale. Seeing them die was a very happy time for Amalia as she would never have to put up with them again. That's when the fire entered her body turning her eyes red lighting up with her new found powers. She can't believe that the old woman had kept her promise to free her from her family when she had told her the horrible things they had done to her. Taking her casket from her mothers room she left the house to burn heading back down the well. Amalia ended up traveling for a long time until she had to flee with the rest of the fables to the Mundy world. She used the treasure in her casket to buy a place for her to live and a small bakery outside of Fable Town. She put the rest of the treasure away for a rainy day. Abilities: Amalia can control fire and can't be hurt by it. Other: A story I like because it doesn't start with 'Once upon a time'. [/hider]