[h3][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82847-cradle-of-divinity-signups-always-open/char#post-2801576]Grant[/url][/h3][indent] Was everyone in this world an asshole? The man jogged off and left himself and the girl behind. Speaking of assholes, the man in the lab coat, John, was trying to talk. [b]"John, hang on, we should all try to get back inside."[/b] He turned back to the girl. [b]"I wouldn't believe anything you heard in that dream. Even if things seem different, there must be an explanation-"[/b] Her hands were changing into claws, like some sort of animal. Grant paused. [b]"How are you doing-"[/b] His vigilance paid off. As Darius emerged from the building behind them, vines shot from the now relatively healthy-looking bear. He glanced right, preparing to roll out of the way of the oncoming foliage, but when he shifted his center of gravity out of the low Wing Chun stance, he instead saw a small point of sky blue shimmering [i]something[/i] appear on the wall of the building where he was looking. Before he could even begin to think about what this was, he felt his whole body being [i]yanked[/i], as if every part of him was tripping over something at the same time. For a nanosecond, the world around him turned into an incomprehensible swirl of light and color. He then slammed gracelessly against the wall of the facility a few feet away from where John had now passed out. His stumbled to his knees, his shoulder absorbing most of the blow. [b]"What the hell was that?"[/b] He stood up unsteadily, trying to regain his composure and orientation, and felt a cylindrical object resting in his right hand. Looking down, he found he was holding a shimmering longsword. It looked extremely well-crafted, almost too perfect in its proportions and weight distribution. Vapor rose off of it, shrouding the blade, a blade that looked to be covered in a thin coat of frost over the ice blue metal. He brought the sword up into a guard stance, tip tracking the bear. [i]No idea what's going on, but I'll take it...[/i] [/indent]