[hider=Archer] Master: Haas Mesman True Name: [Secret] Gender: Female Height/Weight: 5' 7'', and a Lady never tells Alignment: VERY Chaotic and Notably Good Strength: B+ Endurance: A Agility: B+ Prana: C Luck: C Class Abilities: Independent Action; Rank C Magic Resistance; Rank B Personal Skills: Clairvoyance; Rank B+ [Reason Unknown] Divinity; Rank D [Reason Unknown] Attacks: Light Attack; [Unknown] Heavy Attack; [Unknown] Melee; [Unknown] Appearance: Archer is a tall, thin woman with fair skin that sports a perpetual tan, auburn hair with a heavy dose of red that hang, untamed to her hips, and dull brown eyes. Her day-to-day garb is commonly that of a market-dweller of her time, however, she's known to wear more modern clothing, if ordered. Her armor is a system of wall-craft silver-coated iron that afford decent protection without negating her overall agility. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/TYsgIOf.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Archer is two women in one form, better known as split-personality. The first woman is a simple woman, a bastard daughter, and abandoned child. Raised to be an innocent, and notably an air-headed ditz with few talents, and fewer real life skills. The second woman is a fabled warrior; the blood-thirsty, unnaturally accurate archer that slays her greatest of foes with but a single arrow. To balance this even mixture of carefree and carnage, Archer shifts personalities balance on her adrenaline level; the more and longer the adrenaline pumping, the stronger and more controlling the darker personality becomes, and vice versa. Bio: [Unknown] Noble Phantasm: [Unknown] [/hider]