[i]Gods, hear my pleas...[/i] [i][color=orange]"Well howdy there Miss Rae-Ah, names Luke, Luke Harrison. What can I do ya for?"[/color][/i] The man's response almost shocked Rae-Ah to the point that she thought this was all a massive test to find out how faithful she was to the gods. A part of her thanked the man for ignoring her new-found beastly counterparts. But how could he have been so... cheerful? Especially at a time like this? Is he not as confused as the rest of them? Rae-Ah watched him as he continued to hack away at the deer, turning away in disturbance. The girl pondered on his reaction for a moment until another figure rose up from beneath the tall grass. Silver hair, with sharp and elongated ears. Is she from those folk tales Rae had been narrating to the temple's children throughout the past 6 years? Needless to say, disbelief could not come to par with what she felt at the moment. As the wind continued to blow harder, a lock of hair came into view as it swayed the motion. [color=teal]"White... hair?!"[/color] That was the last straw. Rae shrieked as loud as she could, hoping that the gods would hear her and feel an ounce of pity. It had only been a couple of minutes, but somehow she'd managed to grow a tail, a new set of ears, claws [i]and[/i] her luscious brunette locks had been bleached. Her tail slumped as her screaming stopped, completely drained of energy and all sense of logic. The weary girl looked up at the sky, noticing that not much of it has changed- at least. For a moment, she thought of her parents and a single stray tear dropped onto her long, white gown. The sky was the only thing normal she'd seen so far, excluding the men she'd seen earlier. Everything else was so new, so vibrant, so... terrifying. Rae-Ah reminisced on what the masters had taught her back at the temple. Back home. [i]'Whatever the gods give you, you take it respectfully and obediently![/i] Those were the exact words they preached not long ago. [i]'I'll have to try my best, then...'[/i] As Rae-Ah struggled to make her way to the pair of men who had already been conversing, she shamefully looked towards the ground, aware that her appearance was not something to be proud of. Looking at them, she realized they haven't mutated as badly. One man was marked with tattoos, and the other who looked fairly normal. Her confidence had depleted to a near-0, but she mustered up enough strength to squeak out a few sentences to them. [color=teal]"May I know your names? Please... I do not know why we are here, nor why I am like this,"[/color] she gestured towards her ears. [color=teal]"but I believe we are stranded... do- do you think we can call everyone together?"[/color] she sheepishly looked towards the elf and the man who split open a deer. In embarrassment, she turned around as soon as she finished. [i]Are the gods listening?[/i] [@PKMNB0Y] [@Zombehs]