bar => Ryan, Mori, Nanix hospital => Carlson, Thomas, Yvette, Anton, Kalib, Dimitri, Vanessa junkyard => Fayth, Jesse idk/I forgot where they went => Anther, Stiofan, James haven't/not sure if posted yet => Live, Millie, Turisa left the RP => Avery & Sierra ============everyone's OCs============ [@Trinais] Ryan [@AllIsOne] Anther [@Manticore] Mori [@NanixErka] Carlson, Nanix [@gogojakeo] Stiofan, James [@Dark Wind] Fay, The Black [@Traitor] Jesse [@Inertia] Thomas [@Raining] Yvette [@Tip] Anton [@Remus] Kalib [@Asuu] Dimitri [@Wintergrey] Live [@DizzyIsabella] Millie [@BeautifulSnow] Vanessa [@Damo021] Turisa correct me if I got anything wrong