Seto too walked over to the man but only made it half way when there was a flash of light and the man pleading for his life till it was too late. The rest of him fell on the pavement. Seto them ran over to see all too familiar signs. His sould was in the shadow realm. The Blue eyes nodded in greeting to the magician and then looked to her master who was examining the man's body. "That was the same creep that kidnapped me. They wanted to know who the King of Shadows was. I told him I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. But he was very persistent to know. Though from the my guess, he was talking about Yami." Seto explained to the Dark Magician. Yami was still with Serena as she fall against Yami who of which he caught. He noticed the ear piece on the ground and picked it up and put it in his own ear. "Is anyone there?" He asked, Picking up Serena as Cerberus laid down so Yami could the girl on its back. He hoped that whoever she was talking too was still there.