Having mingled with the socialites and other fables that adorned the ballroom, Leon began to feel the social fatigue set in as he made his way free from the masses back to the refreshments table. Although there were plenty of familiar fables here, most of which he had at least a friendly acquaintance with, Leon couldn't help but notice a few who seemed to have intentionally isolated themselves. 'First Boogie, and now Yu and Darren are at it again... I pray that they won't cause too much of a hassle here. Many fables need this time for closure or hope of better times,' Leon's thoughts caused the man to shake his head, his mane of dreadlocks softly shifting about his visage with his subtle movement. All the same, his attention turned back onto the more festive crowd with a warm smile. It was then that he overheard someone remarking- albeit too loudly- about the offering of food stuffs for tonight's event. You know the stories about Lion's and their prides, so it was all too natural for Leon to adorn a rather prideful visage as he rounded to see who had spoken. When his eyes settled on the form of Mr. Black, his face took on a slight frown. This rather obscure fable had a habit for being reclusive and mysterious, seeming to be more of an enigma then anything worthwhile. Still, he had paid Leon a compliment, even if it was done so indirectly. "Yes, Lord Cole requisitioned a rather ample display. I saw to it that he needs where met, and more so. You'll notice a few more rare procurements; Zebra, Elephant, and Dragon. Just to name a few," As Leon now positioned himself beside the dark dressed man, he'd glance over his fellow fable curiously, "Mr. Black was it? How are you enjoying tonight's activities?"