This is the Disney Castle equivalent; please don't respond to this with a Political Discussion. [U][B]World Sheet[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] [url=]Renovation (written by my friend Soverihn)[/url] [B]Summary of History:[/B] The [url=]Second Palailogoi Civil War[/url], which in IRL, destroyed the Byzantine Empire as a Great Power, went the other way, with Serbia not interfering and the victory going to the Regency faction, who successfully reformed the state to lessen the aristocracy's power, redistribute land back to the peasants, increase the numbers of the navy, and take the Empire in a maritime, commercial, direction, trading with other nations instead of depending on landed estates. In time, this reformed Empire retook Anatolia using divide-and-conquer tactics, judicious alliances, and finally, luck. It then used its position as a manufacturer of luxury goods, like Silk, to withstand the shock of the discovery of the Americas upon its economy, building the Empire 'tall' instead of 'wide', focusing upon economic and cultural pursuits instead of military conquests, as well as education. Despite this, they withstood more civil wars, foriegn invasions, and coups, forcing them to keep developing their military. [b]Note, this is conjecture as the Timeline hasn't been finished yet:[/b] In modern times, the Byzantines can be credited with the invention of the Tank, the Stealth Fighter, and Rocket Artillery. Ever since the Enlightenment, they have also been a religiously tolerant state where Christians and Muslims live long as they speak Greek; historically, the Byzies preferred language discrimination to racial and religious ones - yes, that part was during the Middle Ages. [B]Important Nations (Great Powers, etc.):[/b] Byzantine Empire (Modern-Day Greece, Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, parts of Serbia, Turkey, and Crimea. Oh, and Cyprus, and parts of Syria), Sultanate of Egypt (Egypt, Hedjaz, Yemen, and the Levant), [i]Progressive[/i] Caliphate of Irak (Iraq), France, England, Marinid Sultanate (Granada and North Africa), Alternate!Spain (Castile-Portugal), Aragon, Alternate!Germany, Unknown New World Powers, and China. Note: Much of this is conjecture. [b]Overall Technology Level:[/B] Modern-day. [B]Map:[/B] Optional; don't hesitate to add your world just because you don't yet have a map!