[img]http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll173/tylerawhirtley/Shea1_zps52mwhqgq.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Shea Fletcher [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Grade (1st/2nd/3rd year):[/b] 1st [b]Disability:[/b] Deaf [b]Personality:[/b] Very shy and introverted. Often prone to angry outbursts and fits of tears. Her difficulty in communicating has made making friends or even acquaintances a rarity. [b]Background:[/b] Shea was raised by her father and three older brothers as an American Airforce brat at the base in Japan. She never knew her mother, just that she left after she, the youngest, was born. Up until she was 15, she was very cute and bubbly, had a lot of friends, and was a generally pleasant person to be around. However, it all changed when her and her family were heading out to their truck to go to the movies. Her and her eldest brother Robbie were about to get in the truck as her dad started it, when it exploded. The truck flipped onto its side, trapping her beneath her brother's dead body in the doorway, as it burned. She hadn't even realized that the initial blast had completely shredded her inner ears, as she was too worried about burning to death. Eventually the fire rescue arrived and got her out. There was nothing the doctors could do for her ears, and she only suffered a few other minor injuries, burns and bruising mostly. The authorities told her it was a disgruntled soldier targeting officers and their families, and that he'd been killed when they pursued him. Having no family back in the states to go to, nor anyone in Japan, it was decided to send Shea to Yamaku Academy. She was too depressed and withdrawn to really care where she went. [b]Other Info:[/b] N/A at this time, a little mystery goes a long way.