Hello and welcome to my first Guild search! I will try to make the important bits of what it means to be my partner and what I seek in other roleplayers as visible as possible, so while I strongly advise you read everything I write below, I'll highlight the most important bits in bold pink. Please stay a while and relax, for this is for fun and betterment, not for fame or money that we will hopefully do this. First of all, a bit about myself: [b][color=pink]You can call me either Critter or CC[/color][/b] and I try to be as friendly as I can to all who approach me, so please [b][color=pink]never feel like you must come up with an impressive portfolio or come up with an already made plot all on your own[/color][/b] just to impress me enough to play with you. Heck, the writing style tags up there? It only means that [b][color=pink]as long as you put up at least a reasonable amount of effort and feel ready to learn and get better by my side, I'll be all up to try a plot with you[/color][/b], so please don't feel shy! Just starting? Keep away from chat-speak and try to make the best post you feel comfortable doing and I'll be happy. Doing okay but don't have that much time? Hey, I'm happy to way a week or two for a good post, just keep in touch. A master wordsmith? I'd really like to better my skills under your guidance, and I'm all good for constructive criticisms and suggestions as long as you don't hijack the whole plot or any character I may make for our story. In short, [b][color=pink]all skill levels are welcome[/color][/b]! Now that's out of the way, I'll tell you a bit about my current skills as a writer/roleplayer. [b][color=pink]I can write anything from a sole paragraph to about a dozen[/color][/b] depending on the scene, my mood, my inspiration, what my partner gave me and even how we get along. That's the thing, [b][color=pink]a happy and eager CC makes for longer, more exciting, more in depth and better quality posts[/color][/b]. What makes me happy? [b][color=pink]Chatting in a friendly way and plotting often with my partners makes me happy[/color][/b]. That said, I have a long standing case of bipolar disorder, as far as the latest psychiatrist's guess is concerned, so [b][color=pink]I may feel sluggish and moody at times but don't take it personally[/color][/b], I'll eventually come back around. The upside to this is that [b][color=pink]I have a massive amount of free time[/color][/b], and that I have all the time in the world to post and plot. [b][color=pink]I've been in and out of the pbp rp scene since about a decade ago, and I consider myself a creative writer[/color][/b]. I do still [b][color=pink]have problems with planning ahead and with coming up with complex characters on the spot[/color][/b], however, so actually [b][color=pink]getting ready to start may actually take me a little more time[/color][/b]. [b][color=pink]I've been dabbling in a lot of genres[/color][/b], from fantasy to sci-fi passing through semi-realistic historical and more or less mundane modern plots. That said, [b][color=pink]I have a preference to fresh ideas and am quite indifferent towards animal or zombie stories[/color][/b]. My tastes in tones are all over the place, as [b][color=pink]the only genre pertaining to feelings I dislike is angst[/color][/b]. For inspiration, [b][color=pink]I prefer original roleplays[/color][/b], though borrowing concepts from popular fandom is quite alright with me. Lastly, [b][color=pink]please use new character when we start[/color][/b], as I feel that reusing character is hurting the plot and character dynamics as a whole. [b][color=pink]I enjoy playing a character that I feel bring interesting elements to a plot, regardless of gender, race, sexuality or beliefs[/color][/b]. While I play only one or two main characters a story, [b][color=pink]I am an ardent fan of populating plots and worlds with background and minor characters[/color][/b] to make it feel more alive and active. [b][color=pink]I always try to post back as soon as possible[/color][/b], but I'm still putting quality and enjoyment before speed or length. [b][color=pink]My only real expectation besides friendliness and effort is that you try to proofread your posts, use spellcheck and write in the Third person, past tense form.[/color][/b] Finally, [b][color=pink]any plot bunny or craving I will have at the moment will be available for perusal both in a separate post below and in a quote here, so if you are interested but don't have an idea or craving to share with me at the moment, feel free to come by again[/color][/b]! [center][h1][color=palegreen]Current Cravings / Plot Bunnies:[/color][/h1][/center] [quote][i]I am looking for something light and fun to start me off![/i][/quote]