[hider=Aimi Hayashi] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3l3uFFb.jpg[/img] If she could stand, she would be 135 cm tall (about 4’5”). Name: Aimi Hayashi Age: 12 Grade (1st/2nd/3rd year): 2nd Disability: Full body paralysis caused by having her spinal cord severed. Personality: Aimi is a very intelligent individual; she’s three years ahead in school. Her mind tends to wander to dark places a lot of the time; she’s very quiet and reserved and generally not willing to interact with people. (sorry this is so short, I prefer to reveal personalities when I’m in character.) Background: Aimi had a fairly normal, albeit short, childhood. Accelerated three years in school, though it probably could have been more, she had to grow up fairly fast. When she was ten, she got into a car accident. No one's exactly sure what happened. She was riding home from school with her sister; their car was hit by another student's. Akira and the other driver were killed; Aimi was left with a sheared-off spinal column. She was left disabled, in the shadow of four promising, whole older brothers. Her saving grace was her best friend in the world, Ayako Koizumi. Her friend, having gone blind from an accident in the chemistry lab, agreed to push Aimi’s wheelchair around, if Aimi would be her eyes. They managed like this for one year at the regular school, but both were mocked incessantly for being different. After a depressed episode for both girls, their parents sent them to the Katawa Shoujo Academy, so that they could be around people “of whole spirits”, the euphemism their parents used to describe other disabled people. Other Info: She wears a necklace with a miniature replica clarinet on it. If you touch her necklace, you will die. [/hider] [hider=Ayako Koizumi] [img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20121226/sunset%20dress%20blue%20eyes%20long%20hair%20purple%20hair%20blush%20anime%20purple%20eyes%20anime%20girls%20artist%201200x960_wallpaperswa.com_33.jpg[/img] Stands 160 cm (5 feet and 3 inches) Name: Ayako “Aya” Koizumi Age: 15 Grade (1st/2nd/3rd year): 2nd year Disability: Blindness and scarring all over her face. Personality: Aya is broken on the inside, but hides it all behind a smile and her milky blue eyes. She’s excellent at concealing her emotions, but is easily hurt on the inside. She tends to have an overactive imagination to better visualize the people and places she’s around. Background: “S-sir, w-w-with a-all due r-respect, you p-perhaps sh-shouldn’t a-allow K-Katashi t-to m-mix ch-chemicals--” “Silence. Unless you would rather teach this class, hmm?” “N-no s-s-sir.” Katashi was her lab partner. A total goofball who always tried ill-fated, harebrained schemes. On titration day in Chemistry, he thought it would be a good idea to mix hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide in a test tube and shake it. The reaction was quite violent, and the lid came flying off the test tube and the contents spraying all over his hapless lab partner: Aya. She wound up with acid eating away at her eyes and face. Though she rinsed herself off in the emergency eye wash sink, with the laughter of her classmates as a backing track, the damage was done: she was blinded. She felt horrible. Having been Aimi’s only friend in the months following the car accident, she felt as though she could no longer protect her friend. Until Aimi suggested a compromise. “I’ll be your eyes if you be my body.” And she agreed. The two work seamlessly as a team. Other Info: Like Aimi’s surrogate older sister. Fiercely protective and loyal. [/hider] I see a possible interaction going like this, with H standing for Aimi and K standing for Aya. [hider=interaction] K: Morning Aimi! H: Morning Aya! K: *goes to get up from bed* H: Nightstand is seven inches to your left, mind the pile of dirty laundry five feet in front of you and nine inches to your left. K: Thank you Aimi. *avoids both obstacles and moves to closet, digging out clothes.* What have I got in my hand, and does it match? H: Hot pink striped turtleneck and teal plaid miniskirt… try again. K: *rummaging again* How about now? H: White halter top and black knee-length pleated skirt. It works. Top is in your left hand, skirt is in your right. Mind the open drawer thirteen inches to your right. K: Thank you. *Gets dressed, closes drawer and opens Aimi’s side of the closet* Does this outfit work? H: Yep. Top is in your right hand, skirt is in your left. My bed is ten paces in front and four feet to the right of where you are right now. K: *comes over and dresses Aimi* Wheelchair? H: Three feet to your right, facing towards the bed. K: *puts Aimi in her wheelchair and spins her around* H: Alright we’re facing the door. Also your shirt is on backwards. K: *fixes shirt and pushes Aimi’s wheelchair outside. [/hider]