"Dagnabbit!" Saanga thought to himself as he was spun around, the magma splashing around him haphazardly and cooling into little chunks that rained the glitterly black substance onto the hot earth that was once below him, but now over his head. Some of it still clung to him and the mech in random splotches, solidifying against them in a manner that would be a pain to scrape off in the morning. That's right! Maybe he could just solidify a bunch of magma all over the mech's joints! Even if the mech could overpower the material before it solidified completely, it was still a thought. Before he could take any action, however, the hot sting of bullets sent another shower of material upwards...err...downwards as the armor was chipped away to the bare bones, revealing it's hot gooey center that wouldn't withstand another blow, the damage too severe to repair in time. "I-I-I give up! Just put me down!" He pleaded.