[url]http://s105.photobucket.com/user/Kenny_Cadieux/media/Basement_zpstlzafn2e.jpg.html?o=1[/url] [url]https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=cold+war+bunker&view=detailv2&&&id=EB243168F6F64A7330A6755A44E209B9C07C37DF&selectedIndex=141&ccid=WQa%2fGK3z&simid=608002193893687495&thid=JN.aeysVwFDRMMJmkxWUATB1A&ajaxhist=0[/url] The secret area of the basement serves two primary functions. The largest area is a space for demons to rest on their travels, a free service offered by the owners. The second area is a hospital where an injured demon can lie in isolation to recover, and there are two bathrooms (one accessible off of each room (and right now it is being used as a transformation room for the boys) The rooms have 10 foot ceilings and are very barren. The beds in all the spaces are old military cots covered in olive drab wool blankets bought at a military surplus store. The floors are raw concrete with unpainted cinder block walls. The bathrooms are just a toilet and a sink with a shower head mounted onto the wall and floor drain in the middle of the room.