Glad to see the OOC up! Reposting sheet for convenience. [Hider=Tavi][b]Name:[/b] Tavi Jackspar [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] With a lithe, feminine form and no impressive muscle to show, Tavi doesn’t look like much of a fighter. His hair is long, fluffy and dyed some vibrant color or another, as well as styled in a flair to look wild. His clothes get an equal amount of care, and usually favor flash and style over practicality. [b]Personality:[/b] A mix of crafty, deceptive and self-absorbed, Tavi can go from sweet and supportive to manipulative and dangerous in a matter of moments. He holds his silver tongue in high regard, and rarely misses an opportunity to boast about himself in one way or another. Beneath the masks there isn’t much to see, the “real” Tavi is an idea that doesn’t quite exist anymore. [b]Motive:[/b] He’d list a million different reasons before being honest about why he joined. And though he’d go to great lengths to hide it from others, he has a sister that means a great deal to him who isn’t in the best state of health. A promise of proper, secretive medical care was all it took to gain his loyalty. [b]Ability:[/b] Telekinesis in short. Tavi can lift, move and throw objects at a distance and of varying weights through what might appear to be sheer willpower. However in reality the most likely explanation for Tavi’s abilities is an innate control over gravitons. Much like how all of the complex mechanics of balance come to us as an imperceptible second nature, Tavi manipulates the gravitational field of an object in relation to the area around it. Tavi shows no ability to extend his control to organic materials, meaning people/animals/rooted plants are beyond his capabilities. [b]Team:[/b] [b]Extras:[/b] Tavi has a taste for the spotlight, and while he has a decent voice and can hold his own in a dance, he lacks many practical talents. He can’t cook, he can’t drive, and under [i]no[/i] circumstances should he be allowed to temper with any electronics.[/hider]