[quote=@Willy Vereb] [@Terminal]4 weeks is too brief and expecting people to scout out for 70 kilo-lightyears would be awfully idealistic.[/quote] 40,000 lightyears. Keep the speed limit in mind. In space volumetrics that would be 33,500,000,000,000 lightyears. I did not say that's how much you had scouted - merely that there was a potential 40,000 lightyear envelop of space that could be scouted in that time. Feel free to have scouted none of it by the time the RP starts. [quote=AbysmalDemon] instead of being an actual planet, could Abysmalia be, a mass(very large mass) in space. Like it's all manmade[/quote] [quote=@Terminal]Here is a list of general rulings on points of contention common to most Space NRPs. These are /general/ rules, and I am open to occasional exceptions as long as there is good reasoning and intent behind them. These will be judged on a per-case basis. Also note, some of the figures listed here are subject to change. -No dyson spheres or similar megastructures. Space elevators are ok.[/quote] While a planet-sized mass is nowhere near the same scale as a Dyson Sphere, I'm afraid it still qualifies as a megastructure. You can have a planet with a surface area that is 100% urbanized (covered entirely in developed cities and industrial infrastructure), and you can have large structural installations in orbit around the planet (such as a space elevator or orbital ring if you want to get ambitious), but unless you have a good reason for having any entirely artificial planet I would prefer if you didn't.