When Kyle rolled the ball over to her, Grace hardly missed a beat as she flicked the ball up to her chest height with her foot and split the water glob in half, catching the second ball in the empty water glob. She stopped spinning at this point, moving two balls in two different directions taking up a little more concentration than she could spare on spinning, however she seemed to have no problem moving the balls in opposite directions around her torso. At the addition of a third ball she was forced to open her eyes as she concentrated a little more. The task was swiftly moving to difficult and she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle many more. By the fifth ball she knew she was barely holding it together and there was this small, waisted glance of worry cast in Kyle’s direction as he rolled another ball towards her and she kicked it up like the previous four, however as she moved to catch it with more water everything seemed to fall apart and water splashed all around her, the tennis balls scattering in all directions. Grace sighed in defeat and then turned to look at Kyle with a small shrug. She knew hadn't done very well.