[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/MSMARV_zpso398jjgy.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Kree Orbital Station, Aton-9 (Neptune)[/b][/center] Ever since the Kree’s embarrassing defeat at the hands of the Inhumans, the warrior-pride of this extraterrestrial race would not allow the Kree just to sit back and endure this embarrassment. Instead, the Kree began to refurbish their old observation station that had been used as their base of operations centuries ago when they conducted their genetic experiments on humanity that resulted in the Inhumans. Not only was Aton-4 (known by its inhabitants as Earth) attractive to the Kree due to its genetic potential, but also due to the aptness of the region for the creation of portals and wormholes. Most of the galactic empires were sluggish in securing a foothold in this sector, believing that the sentient inhabitants of Aton-4 were too primitive to be of any concern. However, the recent Inhumans incident has changed their minds. Due to what was seen as the ineptitude of the previous commanders who failed to defeat the Inhumans (although that battle was orchestrated by the Inhumans as a trap), the High Council of the Kree Empire decided to send one of the most celebrated heroes of the fourth and most recent Kree-Skrull war, Mahr-Vehl, to the Aton system (as the Kree called it) in order to coordinate the Kree’s efforts with one of the previous commanders, Yahn-Rogg. While the Kree were hoping that Mahr-Vehl’s ‘winning streak’ would carry over into the Earthly affairs, the Kree never took his compassion into account. Even before he had spent an entire year in the Aton system, Mahr-Vehl had grown attached to the humans. Just as he did not see his soldiers as soulless pawns to be thrown into battle, Mahr-Vehl also saw that these humans were not just lab animals, but actual beings with feelings and dreams. This is why the Kree failed with the Inhumans and as a result were recently humiliated by them in battle. One day, Mahr-Vehl was returning from his undercover observation assignment on Aton-4 when something did not seem right. After checking the mission longs, Mahr-Vehl discovered that someone had launched one of their scout ships. While there was no given reason for such usage of that vessel, it was apparently authorized by his co-commander, Yahn-Rogg. Intending to confront his colleague for not consulting with him about making any type of contact with the humans, Mahr-Vehl searched for the commander’s location. To his surprise, the on-board computer system revealed that Yahn-Rogg was currently inside the laboratory space onboard the Aton-9 orbital station. Why would he be in that sector of the station? Mahr-Vehl was the Xenobiologist in the contingent stationed on the Aton-9 outpost. Pulling up the live video-feed from that sector, Mahr-Vehl was abhorred by what he saw. What were they thinking abducting one of the humans? Did they not know that he wanted to avoid abductions at all costs? However, while observing the Kree’s actions on the feed, Mahr-Vehl could tell that the behavior of his men was quite off. His worse fears came true when he saw his men bend over in pain, as giant, brown insectoids called the Brood exploded out form their lifeless carcasses. Now everything made sense. The Brood were going to use the Kree-Psyche Magnetron to bestow godlike powers upon their human captive, intending for the host to eventually become the host for the new Brood Queen. Using Aton-4 as their staging ground, this group of Brood would spread throughout the universe, infecting it faster than a raging fire burns a forest in the American West during a drought. The Kree-Psyche Magnetron was a device so powerful and dangerous that long ago, the Kree decided to hide it away on Aton-4, since at the time this sector of the Milky Way galaxy was considered a backwater and therefore the device would fall away into the stories of legends and myths. The Psyche Magnetron rendered the thoughts and imagination of its wielder into reality. If someone wanted to destroy a planet, he was just one thought away from sending a giant wave of energy to decimate the unprepared planet. Almost anything was possible with this device. If Mahr-Vehl had checked the station logs further, he would have realized that such usage of the scout ships had been happening long before he had arrived on the Aton-9 station! Whether the Brood or the Kree were responsible for discovering the hiding place of the Kree-Psyche Magnetron, Mahr-Vehl knew that nothing good could come from it. After sending an emergency signal to the next nearest Kree outpost, alerting them about the Brood infestation, Mahr-Vehl armed himself in his Kree battle-suit. The Kree scientist formed a fist with his hand, causing what seemed like some kind of energy gun to materialize from his sleek armor that protected his arm. While he made his way down to the labs, Mahr-Vehl showed no mercy to these insectoid parasites, vaporizing them on sight. After he exterminated the last of the Brood that was guarding the Kree-Psyche Magnetron, Mahr-Vehl turned his attention to retrieving the human from the machine. However, while the Kree captain turned to deactivate the device, Yahn-Rogg, who was in the middle of the process of transforming into a Brood, rammed Mahr-Vehl into the machine, causing the energy from the Magnetron barrage him. Fortunately for Mahr-Vehl, his Kree armor’s shielding were sufficient enough to withstand the radiation, especially since the machine had not been set for the purpose of causing mass destruction on its own. Quickly regaining his senses, Mahr-Vehl sprung back to his feet and prepared himself for another attack by Yahn-Rogg, or rather the Brood that had now replaced him. The insectoid that had a few moments ago been a Kree warrior leapt at Mahr-Vehl. However, this time the Kree captain was ready for Yahn-Rogg, blasting him with his energy weapon. “While revenge should never cloud your hearts, you had this coming, Yahn-Rogg.” Mahr-Vehl turned back toward the Magnetron and its current occupant. Mahr-Vehl was unsure what the Magnetron had done to the human captive. Even after running tests, Mahr-Vehl could not find any residual effects. Nor did he find any Brood embryos, which was a relief. However, just as a precautionary action, sprinkled ground-up Ashanti crystals, the one known substance that will cure a Brood infection, over her. Mahr-Vehl had to plan out his next course of action carefully in order not to cause any more damage (physically or mentally) to this human specimen. The inhabitants of Aton-4 had not yet had a public encounter with any alien race, let alone with the Kree. Therefore, just dropping the female human off where she had originated would not be a good choice because she might claim that she was abducted by things called UFO’s and everyone would think she was crazy. Therefore, this situation needed a more delicate approach. After he had spread the ground-up Ashanti crystals throughout the station by means of the ventilation system, Mahr-Vehl took the young human woman into the scout ship that was used to abduct her in the first place. Searching through the ship’s logs, Mahr-Vehl discovered the coordinates of the abduction site, which would allow him to return her home without any ‘first contact’. Firing up the engine, Mahr-Vehl departed from the space station and headed towards Aton-4.