[b]Appearance[/b]:[hider][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/Konstantin_Savitskiy_Inok_1897.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name[/b]: Fredric Dirk Ferdinand [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Faction[/b]: Luminous Knights (MIA) [b]Personality[/b]: Fredric was always and idealistic and charismatic man. Recent events however has forced him to temper that idealism with brutal realism. Though he has almost limitless strength of spirit, his body can only push him so far. Fredric devotes a majority of his of his down time in study, meditation, or training. Still, he will not refuse conversation and is often the unofficial leader of his group. [b]Bio[/b]:Fredric D. Ferdinand was born into a family of low ranking Luminous Knights. The lack of status did have its benefits. He had a loving family, good friends, and a great childhood. He not only joined the LKs because he was from a military family, but because he wanted to do real and lasting good for the people of Altea. The happiest day of his life was the day of his Initiation Ritual,for he finally had the power to do good. With the help of his new squad mates and the LK, the world will finally be rid of the evil outsider rouge mages. After a few successful brigand apprehensions, and a raid repelled here and there , Fredric and his close friends/battle brothers were assigned to deal with a small time mob boss of a offshoot of the CharHornets. Usually the LK wouldn't concern themselves with the affairs of Outsider cities but the mob's influence was starting to make its way into lands under LK protection. This mission ended up going horribly wrong. [b]Stats[/b]: STR:5 AGI:6 PER:3 INT:6 WIS:10 CHA:10 [b]Spells[/b]: Smite - Casts a close range beam of Lumosity. At ranges closer than 3ft, the Luminosity will be absorbed by a person's body. If the person is a Mage, the Luminosity energy will cause damage like any other Luminosity attack. Produces little to no heat. Imbue - Channels Luminosity into an object. Can use simple elixirs or even some minerals and alloys to hold energy for later use as a light, bottled Smite, a heat source and more depending on composition of elixir. Lumen Strike - Projects a field of Luminosity around a the caster's limb. While this does nothing but cast a bright light from any particular part of Fredric's body now, he has heard legends of great paladins who had fists blessed with the heat of the sun and the force of a falling star. Fredric feels like this skill is worth developing, if only in memory of his battle brother "Squid" [b]Skills/Techniques[/b]: Unconventional Tactics - Will use Guerrilla tactics to fight a more powerful foe. Still heeds pleas for mercy and won't use poison, but will forgo most chivalrous codes if innocents are at risk. Close-Quarters-Combat - Trained with grappling, striking, disarming, and non-lethal take-downs. His body is just another side arm to him. Can be uses in conjunction with other melee weapons in different ways. Amateur Alchemist - Can concoct simple elixirs, practice field medicine, gather materials, and knows basic chemistry. Survivalist - Has basic knowledge for how to survive off of the land. Given to all Paladins [b]Combat strategy[/b]: In an even fight, Fredric will adhere to the code of the Luminosity Knights. However, when in dire straights, fighting against a dirty opponent, or when the lives at others are at stake, he will ignore those codes to do good. If faced with two bad options, he will always pick the third option. [b]Arms and Armour[/b]: Standard full plate armour of a Luminous Knight (Good Condition) Billhook (Good Condition) Dirk (Good Condition) Warhammer (Good Condition) Cat 'o' Nine Tails Scourge (Good Condition) [b]Accessories[/b]: Medallion of a LK (x6) - He wears the five medallions of his fallen battle brothers and his own around his neck. Crest Ring - A ring that bears the Ferdinand family crest. all the patriarchs of his family wears one. [b]Misc. Items[/b]: [Book] Journal - Used to take notes. [Book] Alchemy for 3 INTies - A book on basic alchemy. [Book] Everything you Ever Wanted to Know About Tactics but Were Afraid to Ask - Guide to tactics, conventional and dirty. [Book] DON'T EAT THAT MUSHROOM! - A field guide on commonly found herbs and plants. [Kit] Standard Issue Adventuring Kit - A large pack filled with ropes, chalk, a tent, tinder, some pine-sap, a bottle of 120 proof vodka, a compass, a water-skin, a hatchet, and a shovel. Fairly expensive but worth it.