Taki line up once more and this time they are more closely matched till the third run when Taki's speed actually increases spurred on by his competitive spirit. Izumi grins as she too pushes herself. They seem to almost become blurs; two comets chasing one another through the sky. When they pass the final foul line Taki is red faced as he sucks in air, Izumi once again finishes merely breathing more deeply than normal. [B]Bro one of these days you're gonna catch on fire if you run any faster[/B] says Izumi as she pats him on the back [B]Sis let's face it in the distance you're faster an all because of Miss Yamada's special training[/B] says Taki as he tries to catch his breath [B]It's all about breathing at the right moments when you run. You breath when you want to an not when your body can do so most efficiently. There is a point in each lunge when the diaphragm is compressed and another when it is open to expand. I use those moments to exhale and then to inhale which in turn sets up a bio rhythm that controls all aspects of my body[/B] says Izumi [B]You were lucky that Miss Yamada decided to help the girls team. Who'd ever think of combining the skills of a marathoner with a basketball player? No wonder your team burned out their competition[/B] laughs Taki his wind almost restored