[quote=@RIGHTEOUSwench] Gotcha, thanks. So my character had a collar, and her father who handled her died. 1) If he dies, does that mean the collar falls off or that anyone with luminosity shows up and can take over as a handler? 2) By what ceremony/act does a handler take control over the collar? [/quote] " 1.The collar can cause either pain, stun or just decapitate it's wearer. The Handler just has the "remote". 2.Less of a ceremony and more like a logistical and bureaucratic mess to assign it to some guy who doesn't have any other important duties. [@Cyrania]Sounds good, though you might want to mention just how she got rid of the collar. Those things have anti-tampering mechanisms as well as Knights watching your every move. Either by force or deception... or we could tie it more to the ensuing plot and mention that a cloaked, extremely powerful mage rescued them all, turning all the knights to blue crystal. And then he disappeared mysteriously, right after he removed their collars. [@SPAssemble]Accepted. [hr] I am also going to do some clean-up and expansion on my original post after I go back from work tomorrow. Various improvements, cleaner layout, more specific information, etc.