[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lG2uCuo.png?1[/img][/center] After leaving behind the interrogation room, America was happy to find that S.H.I.E.L.D. weren’t planning on wasting the rest of her day. In fact, the whole processing seemed to go by relatively fast. After a brief psych test, which came back all clear, America was soon released. Of course she did have a talking to by several agents first. She was warned against getting herself in any more similar situations to what she had been involved in today; something America instantly agreed to. Today had certainly not been a good day. Lives had been changed forever during her confrontation with the Hulk. Maybe even ruined. It had been hard for America to hold in her emotions during the ordeal, though as always, she kept a stern look upon her face at all times. It was never wise to cry in front of the enemy. Sure S.H.I.E.L.D. were supposed to be the good guys, but America had never come across a variant of the organisation during her time around the multiverse that didn’t have slightly shady methods. It had grown dark by the time America had returned to the streets. Fortunately America had had the brilliant idea to play the “stranded hero” card with S.H.I.E.L.D so much that in the end they had agreed to pay for a hotel room for her for the night. America knew that it was simply a way to keep their eyes on her during her trip but that didn’t bother her in the slightest. Tonight she was sleeping with a roof above her head, and hell, did she need it! While she would have preferred to drift off immediately, Amercia’s mind turned to her own mission as she made her way downtown towards the hotel. Due to the major inconvenience, she had become distracted, meaning that her target had managed to get away. Fortunately however, she had yet to detect them move off world, which meant that they were still here somewhere. That gave her hope at least. But how would she find them? That’s when her eyes fell upon a group of stereotypical looking punks as they walked by with their leather jackets and brightly coloured hair. One of them who was sporting a pink mohawk caught her attention and got her thinking. She didn't have any other choice, as it would seem that a telepath would be her only hope now. Besides, maybe this earth's version of the kid wasn't a complete and utter asshole.