Name:Ashala Mukherjee Race: Altenians Age: 42 Gender: Female Rank: T-5 Dock master Crystal: Purple Height: 6'2 Weight: 175lbs tail: 3 ft Possessions: A metal clip board with the days shipping roster. A set of jumpsuits for work. A set of synthetic(metal) daggers to look like large canines. A communicator GNC issue. Skills: Speaks Altenian, broken(think of kirk)[color=fff79a]Terran[/color], and [color=6ecff6]GNC [/color]common. Expert in logistics. Extensive knowledge in ship class and capabilities. History of Altenian culture. Wrestling rules and moves. Abilities: Telekinisis, double jointed inhumanly flexible, typical Altenian jumping ability(20ft), Altenian sight, smell, and balance. [hider=Ashala] "GET out! I'm changing here!" [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: "You give me a ball of yarn terran, and ill dislocate your arm." Ashala enjoys her work. She like the control over the various ships and co-workers. She is the chief of a group called, "the rough necks". They see to the docking, loading and off loading of the ship in her section of the port. In her private time she honors her family and spends time remembering what it means to be Altenian. As a hobby she practices wrestling and works out in the facility gym. History: Ashala has good Altenian parents. She was raised the Altenian way. When she came of age the GNC labeled her a T-5 and offered Ashala an opportunity. Already stricken with the wander lust Ashala asked her parents to leave. She now heads a crew of docking bay wrench swingers. The GNC gave her basic training and a purple gem. The gem tasted good when placed against her tongue and the GNC knew they had a natural port master. [hider=roughnecks] [hider=Dock/patch] [img][/img] [/hider] Inspired by Sgt Bilko's unit.... [b]Jimmy Onslow[/b]:human Age: 22 Height:6ft 165lbs red hair "wirery" "The new guy" Right now he labels crates with the encoder as the come in, and is Ashala's "go-for". [b]Becky Moore[/b]: human Age 22 Height 5ft10 121lbs Blond hair "Bombshell" Becky knows more about stealing then any other person her age. If a captain needs it, and meets her price its done. She became a rough neck after Ashala found her in a spot of trouble with some drunk guys. As a debt she feels must be paid "Bombshell" works off the books for the boss of the docks. [b]Kim Nagasaki[/b]:human Age:46 Height:5'2 102lbs silver hair. "Kim" Kim Is the former dock master who became a burn out. Not able to use her abilities, she now works the dock with the rest of the rough necks. Knowing what to do before it needs to get done and all the GTC regulations, she is on her own program. [b]Mike Henshaw[/b]:human Age:42 Height:6'5 225lbs Bald "Brickhouse" Henshaw is a slacker Ashala loves to keep him busy, and to sneak up on when he hasn't been seen in a while. This is his third transfer. [b]Ann Kingsly[/b]:human Age:26 Height 5ft6 114lbs short black hair "tank" Ashala's second in command. Ann loves the work because this was the closest she could get to her dream of being a pilot. She is a tom boy in every sense of the word. She can drink most guys under the table. Abhijat: Altenian male Age:30 height 7' weight 245lbs gold leopard "face" Face was a jerk nobody told him what to do or how. He would take breaks when he wanted wore what he wanted. His first dock job and already he fought with half the crew the chief of dock 2 told him to report to dock 6. Face complied in part to the four man team of security behind him. It was either a transfer or hard labor on a moon. Face flipped a coin. [/hider]