She wasn't exactly crying, but she was definitely in distress. Knowing that her only family that she had were in trouble and her precious sword was gone made her feel terrible. Her heart skipped a beat at hearing the other speak to himself. Xikari wasn't sure if they were hostile or not but seeing as the one was speaking to himself and not really acknowledging her it seemed that he wasn't going to attack. The other held out a strange looking popsicle. She stared at it and kind of wanted to take it from his hand but at the same time knew better to take food from strangers. Finally her sweet tooth got the better of her and she took the sweet treat from the other. While she was licking the strange tasting treat she looked up at the boy with narrowed eyes. "You know. You're kind of a jerk. Also, I've never heard of Twilight Town... is that where you come from?" It was obvious the two came from different worlds. A concept that was not unknown to her considering she didn't always live in Aquastone but just appeared one day, it was said that she fell from the sky and Seth had to fish her out of the ocean and pull her to the docks so she wouldn't drown. With a sigh she looked to the other as he came to her. "I'm okay.. I've just lost something important to me... not only that but the last I saw of my family, they were in trouble. If we want to get back home I suppose we are going to have to try [i]not[/i] to kill each other. Although some of us here are a bit more rude then others. Forgive me for saying so" She said as she looked up at the one who had given her the ice cream and allowed the one reaching out to her to help her up. "I should know better than to speak that way to others" Without taking her gaze off of the icecream boy, she spoke once more, "I'm Xikari Kazuhira from a place called Aquastone. Who are you both? And do you know anything about this boy in the picture? His weapon seems familiar to me but I can't seem to place it... hm. where have I seen it before?"