[b][i][u]General Plot[/u][/i][/b] [hr] In a quaint little town seemingly forgotten by others is filled with activity. While they all have the hustle and bustle by the locals and the few historic sites that attract some tourists. Yet alongside the locals there is a hidden crowd, a paranormal one. They enjoy their lives in seeming anonymity with the mortal crowd. For this crowd there is one spot that is a favorite. A little coffee shop that not only sells good food and drink, but also works on potions and wares. Run by witches that keep an eye on the small town and keep everything running smoothly. Yet it's not all wonderful. There is a darkness lurking amongst the dark shadows. Whispers of something foul and evil is on its way through the horizon. So it's all hands on deck in keeping the peaceful town peaceful, as it should be. [hr]