Ru turned the silver urn in her gloved hands, studying the intricate engravings through the bruise-colored tarnish that dulled the old work of art. The floral motif tooled into the somewhat polished silver was indicative to a Rococo design yet it was conservative, not as ornate as more museum worthy pieces. She lightly passed a cloth over the urn, cleaning it up from it’s wash removing as much water as she could. When she felt she had removed the most she could with the cloth she placed it down carefully. Cracking fists, Ru lightly touched the twin bracelets in either hand. [i][b]‘Aero’[/b][/i]. The sorceress in training invoked, as wind lightly passed through her fingers concentrating by her hands. With careful movements, guiding the air to the urn she dried it. ensuring no water stayed with it. Pleased with herself she lifted the wheel of the yagen by her side, and with a spoon began to scoop up the peppermint that she had grind finely. Filled, she returned the urn to its place in the shelf, grabbing a large glass jar and shaking it a few times before putting it back. A low yawn left Ru as she moved through the basement, making her way to an opened book. She recorded her tasks dutifully onto the old tome. Closing and putting it away when done, Ru moved onto her next task checking up on the large ovens situated on the other side. It looked like the timer was still working with thirty minutes left. [center]’Pleased to meet you let me introduce myself I’m a man of wealth and taste’[/center] Sympathy for the Devil suddenly blurted out causing Ru to jog lightly to the discarded phone. Looking at the alarm and the time; 6:00 am “GET UP TO WORK” blaring on her phone screen. She groaned noticing that she pulled an all nighter [i]again[/i]. Grumbling to herself over how idiotic she was for losing track of time she made her way to the bathroom. There were cubbies with different labeled boxes and she grabbed the one that had her name on it. Inside was a change of clothes so she wouldn’t be at work with the same stuff as yesterday. Half assed she removed her clothing to take a quick shower and all other necessities. Getting dressed was an easy chore afterward as she arranged her hair with her bangs forming a braid and the rest of her blue hair forming wavy locks. Phone in hand she went upstairs, organizing trays of cookies, Madeleines, and other small pastries down. She still had a couple of minutes for the coffee cakes and muffins to finish baking. Apron on, she also started preparing the coffee makers and heating up water to make the gallons of sweet tea. Ten minutes passing Ru walked to the door unlocking it while still keeping the ‘we are closed’ sign facing the world. Grabbing a cup of coffee she made herself she yawned knowing today was going to be a long one.