[center][h1][color=darkgreen]Blake Greyson[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img] http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/thehungergamesrp/images/5/58/Bampw-boy-cute-cute-boy-cute-guy-Favim.com-116987_large.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150301180317[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=darkgreen] "Knowledge isn't a gift, it's a burden that slowly breaks your mentality."[/color][/h3][/center] [center][b][color=darkgreen]Age[/color][/b] 19 [b][color=darkgreen]Sex/Gender Identity[/color][/b] Male [b][color=darkgreen]Sexual/Romantic Preference[/color][/b] Asexual/Panromantic [b][color=darkgreen]School Year[/color][/b] College 1st year Pro/Anti/[b]Neutral[/b] Match [/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=darkgreen]Likes[/color][/b] Reading Writing Silence Nature [b][color=darkgreen]Dislikes[/color][/b] People in General Crowded Areas Loud Noises Stupid People [b][color=darkgreen]Hobbies[/color][/b] Drawing [b][color=darkgreen]Fears[/color][/b] Oblivion [/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=darkgreen]Personality[/color][/b] Blake is an intellectual person, however, his grades don't reflect his wisdom. He tends to view the big picture. His views on said picture are very pessimistic. He finds life in itself pointless, and doesn't understand why people value life the way they do. He accentuates the negative things in life, and believes that everything could be solved by eliminating the human race. Blake has a refined aura about him since he was raised into a rich family. He resents his family for a variety of reasons, and is rebellious to their demands. Blake realizes that his personality and views are horrible, and sometimes wishes he could change, but her can't. He blames his personality and views on the way his parents raised him. [b][color=darkgreen]Biography[/color][/b] Blake was an only child and was raised to be perfect. His parents bought a tutor and demanded that he rise above everyone else. At first it wasn't difficult for him, but eventually Blake's work increased to the point that he could no longer take it. Blake argued with his parents for months before they decided that he needed to be sent away so that his "attitude" would go away. So they sent him to a boarding school. His parents expect Blake to take over the family's contracting business. However, Blake has no desire to live with his family, much less work with or for them. [/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=darkgreen]Extras[/color][/b] None [/center]