[color=6ecff6]Beatrix[/color]: "Well, our best bet is probably to try to find your sire, or another elder vampire with psychic abilities." Trixy shifted in her seat, if only she were older, more powerful, she could be the solution to this problem. "I could get into Lucian's head easily enough, maybe even be able to alter his thoughts and actions. But Dracula is far too old and powerful for me to get in a mind battle with." It hurt her pride to admit that her abilities were weak against vamps that are older than her, and she was sure Praetor would enjoy that bit of knowledge... [color=9e0b0f]Jareth[/color]: "Precious?" Jar asked Theo and swept his fingers underneath his chin. "Well the most innocent and precious will be home sleeping in their beds, but we might be able to find some young blood engaging in the city's night life. Ever been to a rave club, old man?" He asked in a bit of a taunt.