As the little Kryptonian bore down on him Lobo laughed before being momentarily silenced by the scorching heat of Sentinel's heat vision. Feeling the wind leave his chest as fist after fist collided with it, Lobo took a few moments longer than usual to regain his composure before the towering alien wrapped a giant hand around Sentinel's head and pushed him to arm's length. "The Main Man appreciates complications, however he isn't a babysitter." Lobo snarled before suddenly dropping to one knee as Accelerate delivered a blow to the back of the Czarnian's leg. With a snarl, Lobo tightened his grip on Sentinel and spun the Kryptonian around, releasing the boy and sending him flying into Accelerate. "Strike!" He laughed before the door thrown by Microbat struck him from behind. "Hey! No cheap shots kid!" Lobo yelled before clasping his hands over his eyes as blood began to trickle from them as Microbat unleashed his sonic attack. Struggling to reach for his shotgun, Lobo found himself suddenly being coated in mud as he located the source of the attack moments too late to stop the shell of mud from hardening around him. Meanwhile, Evan watched as each member of Alpha team sprung into action allowing him to block the fire from Hob's gatling gun, that however didn't seem to stop them from making their own remarks. "Since when is providing cover not doing anything?" He yelled towards the girls before sliding his shield off his forearm and gripping the honed edge in his hand. "You want to see what I can do? Fine! Lets see what I can do." He roared as he began to spin himself like a discus thrower as he released the disc of Celestial bronze. The enchanted shield flew through the air before slicing through one of the mech's legs like a hot knife through butter. Changing course mid air, the shield spun back around to Amazon who caught it just in time to somersault forward and block both Whirlpool and Pistolera from the alien's retaliating shots. As soon as the weapon paused to reload, Evan stood up and spun around, releasing the shield again as it shaved the shoulder cannon from the suit before returning to his arm. "Ha, how about dem apples!" He called as Thermo made his move, freezing the alien's suit solid. "Good work Titans." Rose called to the group as Lobo remained incarcerated in the now hardened clay. Having further evacuated the surrounding area with the aid of the T-Wing, Rose had just only returned to the fray in time to see Sandstorm finish off Lobo while she turned her attention to the Krolotean who seemed to also be at the end of his rope. As Thermo delivered the coup de grace, Hob's suit was suit down as the little alien ejected from the exploding piece of hardware. Scrambling away from the Titans, the small green alien disappeared under the counter and before anyone could grab him was gone through a hidden hatch. "Well damn, that sucks." Evan called having sat down at one of the last few tables standing and was now sampling the surviving buffet. "Food's pretty good here, hope it reopens." He added as he dragged a chicken ball through a puddle of sweet and sour sauce before shoving the entire thing in his mouth. "Like really good." He managed to spit out between chews. As the team collectively shook their head at Evan, no one failed to notice the cracks rapidly spreading across Lobo's clay restraints and suddenly an energy blast from a shot gun plowed its way through the collective team. Thrown from his chair, Evan hit the ground as his shield slid away from him. "The Main Man always completes his job, at least he did until you meddling brats got in my way." He yelled, reloading the shot gun and firing another blast. Splinters and shrapnel went everywhere as did the various Titans as the room seemed to explode with each subsequent shot. Rose was the first one to get back on her feet, her powers of precognition anticipating the next shot as he sword's energy blades came to life. Lobo side stepped Rose's strike as he chuckled before giving her a swat to the behind that send her tumbling. "Missed sweet cheeks!" He called as he pointed the gun towards Rose. "I never miss." Rose said with a smirk as the gun suddenly exploded in a flash of sparks as the front half of the barrel collapsed to the floor. "Keezy fem." Lobo spat as he uncurled the chain from around his forearm and began to swing it through the air. "[B]TITANS TOGETHER![/B]" Rose ordered as she pointed her blades towards Lobo. Retrieving his shield, Evan quickly hurled it across the room, taking the end off the chain as he rushed forward, two powerful steps allowing him to cross the room as he leapt into the air, catching the shield in time to land into front of Lob's downward strike. "Well Kid Krypto?" Evan grunted as the floor boards exploding beneath him under the force of Lobo's blow. "What are you waiting for?"