Ok, so this is what happens when I don't reply all day. Twhirtley and ClocktowerEchoes, both of your characters are accepted, congratulations for literally having the most depressing backstories of any character I've seen in this rp. RomanAria, I have no qualms with your 15 year old, however, the 12 year old. I already have a disposition for not allowing extremely underage characters into romance rp's and I probably would have made an exception, except it was killed with the rape background so, no, she's not allowed. Meridian, because eyes are my job, I took a further look into glaucoma, yes it does cause blindness, but the type of glaucoma that does cause vision loss is 'Primary open-angle glaucoma', if you could please reflect your background with this new information, that would be greatly appreciated. Also, since Sean is a foreign name in Japan, where is he coming from? Rune_Alchemist, you're accepted, I laughed when I saw her disability XD. Devo the Cursed, Yamaku academy does not accept any students with ANY mental disability, I cannot accept your character until you change her disability. Midna-Phobia, you're also accepted. Any accepted characters may be posted in the character section.