Luke was feeling attacked. All he tried to do was gather food for these people who he didn't even know. He picked up one of the spears he made and stood up. He chuckled because he wanted to seem like he had it all together. He also chuckled at the fact that someone could stay alive off of just grass. While grass is edible, it's not exactly Luke's first pick for a survival snack. He brushed himself off and said [color=f7941d]"I made spears for yall and if anyone WANTS any meat, instead of just attacking me for trying, it's here. I don't know about yall but I don't wanna be here when it comes night time so I say we eat up and move out, but that's me."[/color] Luke knew he was rushing things. But honestly, he was stranded in the middle of god knows where with people he didn't know. He wanted to go home as soon as possible, so he had to get moving.