[quote=@doughnutmoney] I think the typical age is 1st year = 15, 2nd year = 16, 3rd year = 17? I could be wrong, but... [/quote] [quote=@Twhirtley] I assumed it works like sophomore, junior, and senior years whic are rough 15-16, 16-17, and 17-18 in ages respectively based on whether you had a birth date close to the fall cut off date [/quote] Well your both right but to elaborate the age ranges as Twhi said are correct as Japan's student ages in public education follows the same western module as most countries. Cut off date for Public and Private schools in the country is April Second (to correspond with an early April start date for school there) with a higher number of higher class citizens admitting their children "early" while in lower class households they generally admit their students later. Though prevailing social stigmas enforce the idea the earlier the students get to learning the better. :) And they say learning about international policy has limited applications xD Anyway Tiger, I'm looking over the old CS and making some edits and the like. Deciding if I'm keeping Ueda or trying something new.