[h2][center]Nathaniel[/center][/h2] Everything felt different. It was not just the new environment or the fact he was physically better than he has been for years, but he could not put his finger on it. Some serious introspection might turn out to be beneficial, but, before that, he wanted to know more about this world. Trying to remember the strange dream he had he could clearly remember the phrase 'Cradle of Divinity' in relation to this, along with some sort of discussion on 'power'. It was during this train of thought that he heard someone stuttering to introduce themselves nearby him which brought himself back to the current situation. They also asked the question 'where are we headed?'. It takes him a moment to think of a response to the question he did not even know how to answer. Slowly turning towards person who introduced themselves as Azorel, he leans his shoulders against the wall to continue supporting himself while standing straight up. Their appearance was somewhat unusual, and definitely not as clear-cut as he expected, but the thing behind them was something that drew his attention. [i]A slime? This is getting really interesting.[/i] Placing one arm under his own chin, and his other hand supporting his opposite elbow, he lets out a 'Hmmm.' "Where are we headed?" Repeating the question, he brings his eyes to look just above Azorel's, he lets himself smirk. "It seems we are headed to an adventure. I don't know much more than that, but I am guessing time will tell what happens." He lets his hands drop to his side with a shrug and removes his shoulders from the wall. A proper smile crosses his face while he holds his right hand in front of himself and his left hand against his back. "Forgive me, I don't seem to have introduced myself. My name is Nathaniel. Nice to meet you, Azorel."