Luke, tired of these people telling him off about the decision he made, cut up some more slices of venison and put them in his pocket. With his weapon in his hand there was nothing else here for him. [color=f7941d]"Look I have tried to be nice. I made weapons for you, found a dead animal and cleaned it out to the best of my ability for us to eat and all you have done is judge and criticize me.No, thank you or thanks for trying or I appreciate the offer. Just slaps to the face with your words. Well okay then, I don't even have to take this. You guys don't know me and I don't know you so excuse me for trying. Goodbye to you all."[/color] Luke gave them all one last look and turned around and started walking. He had absolutely no clue where to go. There was no stream to follow, no trees, just grass. But he was determined to find something so he just kept on walking in the only direction he could. Forward.