Greg let out a rather loud caw as he was grabbed but was thankfully able to escape. He started to circle above them and followed them for a bit before heading back to Lance. [@Silen Syanka][@Abysmaldemon] Lance seemed to be rather drunk at this point. He stumbled out of the bar, he definently smelled of alcohol. He looked up to the sky and started yelling. "Ey! me something to do would you!? Some one active too!" He yelled at the sky, everyone looked at him a bit strangely but they could all tell he was drunk so they payed him no mind. ----------------------------------------------------------- Gibelle looked at the girl with disappointment. "You are simple minded you know that? How do you think we dragons have gone unnoticed for so long?" Gibelle asked her. Gibelle was quite annoyed at this dragon for being so simple minded. And she could tell that this dragon was a royal at that, she seemed undeserving of the title of Gibelle. "Just attacking on your own like that will get you killed I hope you know that." Gibelle said lecturing the girl now.