James Mattis Reynolds (JR). Age: 21. Resides: Ward 2. Previous Occupation: None. Birth place and area raised: Born and raised in Panama City, Florida. [hider=James] [img]http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg612/azseth/James1_zpse39400ac.jpg[/img][img]http://i1246.photobucket.com/albums/gg612/azseth/James2_zpsfebda70d.jpg[/img] [/hider] History: James Mattis Reynolds is not his real name. James was born and raised in Florida and when the outbreaks occurred, he was about 5 years old. His family was associated with the upper class in Florida, so when infected began to overrun the state, his family had the means to flee, and they were told Flagstaff in Arizona was a safe zone. It was safe for a while but was eventually lost and his parents were killed when he was 7. He was rescued by and fled with a complete stranger named Jon. Young and in shock, the boy forgot his name (sometimes he thinks he was just too young to absorb things) so Jon decided to name him after someone important in history, Marine Corps General James Mattis. “So the world never forgets the name of such a great man,” Jon had said. The two made it to Blue Valley and were taken in. Jon wasn’t staying however, and left James with someone he knew, a couple named Amy and Reid. Reid worked in the city as a basic builder, but was also a smuggler in the city, this was unknown to James at the time. Amy worked at a laundry facility. James had it pretty good in the city, being raised in a stable home with good parents and food, and eventually Reid introduced James to his true profession and James never looked back. At a younger age, 16 and 17, he didn’t need to work so he had spent those years networking with his father, getting to know people and wants and needs of individuals, meeting those who could get things done. James was also very charismatic, a great smile and personality can get you a long way in the city…especially if you can sneak in medicine, food or something else needed. Eventually, both Reid and Amy were killed in a fire that swept through their district that killed 20 other people, and at that point, James was forced into adulthood at 19. He quickly took up where Reid left off, trying to honor his name. While some considered what they did a crime, and while other smugglers would do ANY thing for money and had no scruples, Reid instilled in James that there should be limits and the position they were in could help people in need. The two never took more from a family than they should—well, they MAY have squeezed some extra from those who could part with it… Also, James is extremely proficient at tinkering. All of his life, he had a knack for making things from parts of other things. He’s made the forearm bite guards for both him and Terry, the silencer for Terry’s gun and a handful of other things to make life a bit easier. He currently works doing mechanical labors for the city. Personality: JR is social and outgoing, always willing to talk and listen. He works doing random jobs for those in need to cover his true trade. He is someone who knows just about everyone, and knows just about everything, but it was instilled in him to “remain little.” He and Reid tried to avoid conflict and eyes, so they didn’t deal much with big names or big schemes like others would. That way when the BVM or politics look to make an example out of busting a smuggler, it wasn’t likely to be him. James is a lot more human, emotional and compassionate than Terry and it’s not uncommon for him to take a job or task for someone with little or no real gain. On the flip side, James has been known to hustle and con when he deems it appropriate, but this is usually from someone living in conditions much better than those around them. James works with Terry somewhat frequently, paying Terry cuts from his jobs if he needs to go out into the city in an area he doesn’t feel safe around. Gear: 38 special snub nosed revolver 6 rounds chambered, 50 rounds boxed or on person. 12 gauge double barreled shotgun (sawed off, with 10 rounds total). KevMesh forearm bite guards (homemade). C4 gas mask. 4-6 outfits. Old military MOLLE system. Camelback. 2 reused bottles of water. Fannypack containing random first aid equipment. Trenchknife (knife with metal knuckles on the grip)