[center][h1][u]The Gifted[/u][/h1][/center] [img]http://bestpics.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/new_york_city_at_night_hdr-1024x682.jpg[/img] [center][i]Manhattan 2029[/i][/center] [hr] [b][u]The Setting[/u][/b] The year is 2029 and the world has discovered a new species of human. These individuals live normal lives until some time between the ages of thirteen and nineteen when their eyes change color and their abilities which have laid dormant for years are released earning them the name "Gifted". The irony of this is that their abilites are more of a curse than a gift as the United States Government and many first world countries have named them enemies of mankind and a genocide of the Gifted race is underway. You are a Gifted, bestowed upon you are powers no human possesses. It is your gift, it is your curse. How you choose to use it is up to you, but what should be your top priority is survival. This world hates you, fears you, and you can either do what you can to change that...or become just another validation of their fears. [hider=The Timeline]2008:The Gifted race is discovered following the murder of five people by the first reported gifted. Following the incident more Gifted are discovered across the globe. Governments begin building Gifted Control Centers to aid the metahumans in controlling their powers. 2009:The Department for Metahuman Affairs is formed, tasked with the study and understanding of the Gifted race this highly secretive organization has been investigated frequently for signs of corruption or foul play but no evidence has been discovered. 2011:"The London Incident" makes headlines around the world. GCCs are forced to increase security measures and reports of abuse in GCCs begin to rise. Growing distrust between Humans and Gifted intensifies. 2012:Following a bombing orchestrated by a Gifted terrorist organization, the DMA launches The Warden Project. The intent is to be peacekeepers and hunters of criminal Gifted. First Wardens are volunteer Gifted. 2014:Gifted terrorist group "The Promise Hand" continues to target GCCs and Anti-Gifted supporters. The renamed Warden Program redirects itself to combating The Promise Hand exclusively and leaving the capture of Gifted criminals to local law enforcement. Homeland Gifted related crime spikes upon the Warden's redirective, public support for Gifted drops exponentially. 2017-2019:Gifted hate crimes become prominent across the globe with equal retaliation by the Gifted race. Newspapers name one incident "The War for Humanity Begins!" following a week long riot in Moscow, Russia. Several riots break out in multiple first world countries with the military being sent to quell the riots in the U.S. 2020: With the election of Steven Callahan as President of the United States of America, the war with The Promise Hand is ended. The Callahan Administration uses indirect propaganda and subversive indoctrination to convince the country that Gifted are not human. The United Nations is "persuaded" into following suite and the Gifted Genocide begins. The Warden Program is once again redirected to hunting all Gifted. Legislation is passed allowing the enslavement of Gifted in the U.S. The military forms a Hunter branch to combat any large scale Gifted opposition. The New World Order is born. [/hider] [b][u]About Gifted[/u][/b] The Gifted have been categorized by most governments into three groups: [list] [*]Type 1 Gifted- Psychologicals, are individuals with subtle abilities, powers that aren't immediately seen(an example would be a Gifted having the power to mesmerize others by singing or causing people great discomfort when in their vicinity). Due to this group being the most common species of Gifted the Type 1s are often killed off or sold into slavery if captured. [*]Type 2 Gifted- Physicals, Type 2 Gifted are individuals with visible powers such as manipulation of fire, ice, earth, etc. Type 2 Gifted are not as common as Type 1s and are often sought after by the government. [*]Type 3 Gifted- The rarest of Gifted, Hybrids are Gifted with both Type 1 and 2 powers. Type 3s are hard to find as most who aren't in hiding are have already been captured or killed. [*]Type 4 Gifted- About as uncommon as Type 2s, Trackers are Gifted with the sole ability of being able to sense other Gifted. As the only way to find a Gifted is be identifying if they have heterochromia Trackers are often used by Hunters to help them find other Gifted. [/list] [b][u]Organizations[/u][/b] [list] [*]The D.M.A.(Department of Metahuman Affairs)- Not a part of the military but funded by the government, the D.M.A. is a organization focused on the capture, study, and indoctrination of Gifted. The D.M.A. takes a scientific approach to the Gifted threat and one of its best projects so far has been The Warden Program. The taking of rare Type 3 Gifted and indoctrinating them into Gifted Hunters. While the D.M.A. does capture and control Gifted, their true agenda remains a mystery as much of what they do has been kept secret from the public. Many call the D.M.A. "The New Area 51". [*]The Conclave- Formed after the beginning of the Gifted Genocide, The Conclave is a Gifted safe haven. These sanctuaries are scattered across the globe where Gifted persecution is most prominent. Their main focus is to relocate and protect Gifted who have been discovered. So far The Conclave has been successful in their efforts but as of late many have begun to question the effectiveness of The Conclave as more and more Gifted are being found and killed. [*]The M.R.F.(Metahuman Resistance Force)- Some call the MRF a reincarnation of The Promise Hand, others call the MRF "The Saviours of The Gifted". Whatever they are called, it's what they do that cannot be argued. The MRF are a group of Gifted who have joined forces to save their fellow Gifted and to fight the government and those who support it. Their activities mostly involve the rescuing of Gifted from imprisonment, ambushes on DMA convoys, and attacking key Anti-Gifted supporters and politicians. Their main target for years has been President Callahan but so far their numerous assassination attempts have failed. The MRF today is somewhat scattered after the execution of their leaders, The Council. Now they are a guerrilla fighting force attacking when they can and as frequently as they can. [/list] [b][u]Rules[/u][/b] 1.While there are visual powers like fire, water, lightening, etc. your character's abilities shouldn't be anything overly flashy. We'll work out a way to let you have the power you want without sacrificing the feel of the RP if the power you choose is OP or too flashy. 2.Fighting in OOC is not allowed but it is allowed in IC but lets not make it the center of the RP. The idea is to balance action with drama. 3. Your characters can swear but keep it to a minimum, gore as well. As for if your characters decide to get freaky under the sheets lets just have it fade to black or something. You can take it to PM if you want, we don't judge. 4.This should have been number one but oh well, what I or my Co-GM says is law(rispek mah authoritaay!). If there's a problem we'll solve it, if you have ideas for the plot of the RP then message us and we'll see if we can work it in. [hider=Character Sheet] [h2]Name Here[/h2] [hr] Appearance Here [hr] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] [b][u]Eye Colors:[/u][/b] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b][u]Type[/u][/b]: [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] Physical:(If Type 2 or 3) Psychological:(If Type 1 or 3) Tracker:(If Type 4) [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] [b][u]Post Example[/u][/b] [b][u]Other[/u][/b] [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url=][/url] [/hider]