[quote=@Zero Hex] I'm honestly not seeing how setting it in Japan is original or makes any difference in this case. There's no real need to set it in Japan when it'd actually make more sense to set it in Europe so the european mob family doesn't stick out like a sore thumb considering Japan has its own organized crime with a long history and traditions. Fiction doesn't have to correlate to reality 100%, but there is such a thing as good sense, and having Japanese organized crime take the scene in a story about organized crime set in Japan is sensical. You'll notice other people have already pointed this out, this isn't an isolated thing. If I'm coming into your interest check and taking the time to post, I must clearly be interested. I'd be okay with magic organized crime, whether set in Japan or otherise, I think it's a fun concept to play around in. I'm simply explaining that hey, this one particular bit doesn't make a whole lot of sense and can be easily fixed so you don't have people asking why the game set in Japan is focused on an organization of european origin which somehow took over a country known for being isolationist and straight up ethnocentric throughout its history. Fantasy might not have to stick to the rules of reality, but it should at least be internally consistent. [/quote] The thing is, I had it set in Japan because one of the animes I was inspired by had a similiar plot and was also set in Japan. The anime revolved around a rather huge and strong Italian mafia spreading around the world in different branches, so there was the American branch, Italian branch (the strongest) and the Japanese branch. The Japanese branch came to be because the boss of the Italian family decided to vacation over there, and thus, after an affair, his bloodline became prominent in Japan as well. I just want to have fun. I was inspired by these animes and I don't want to be attacked because of it... I don't mean to appear dumb or stupid or ignorant or racist like I'm being made out to be.