[hider=Eva Mistly] Eva Mistly [img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/72/18095-ryoko_asakura_161_super.jpg[/img] Name: Eva Mistly Age: 16 Eye Colors: One brown, one lavender Personality: Eva prefers to keep herself at a distance from others, but when she must interact with them, she is cold and manipulative. Before her powers awakened, the only tools she had to protect herself were lies, which she continues to employ freely. Eva finds it impossible to trust others, and becomes ruthless when she feels threatened. She does her best to suppress the loneliness, believing herself to have no hope of becoming close to anyone else. Type: 2 Abilities Physical: When she is in dark or heavily shadowed areas, Eva can make herself appear to blend in with the darkness. She can also manifest weak, short-range "shadow hands" capable of performing small tasks such as picking locks by thinning themselves. However, when Eva is exposed to even normal amounts of light, her abilities are inactive and her physical strength is less than even that of a normal girl of her size. Bio: Eva grew up in an abusive household - for the most part, her parts would get into fights with each other that could turn violent. However, occasionally, upon making the slightest mistake, Eva became the target of her parents' wrath. As a result, she made a habit of spending as little time at home as she could. School, however, was little better. At first, Eva was enthusiastic to learn, but before long, her eagerness earned her the scorn of her peers. Her only recourse was to suppress it. While this saved her the torment, she nonetheless found herself friendless. That was when it happened. When the shadows rose to become her companions. At first, she could not control them, but after spending some time applying her thirst for knowledge to her new-found ability, she gained a measure of control. The opportunity for freedom had come. One night, she vanished in the darkness, never to return. She has since been presumed dead. Yet being a ghost is so very... [i]liberating[/i]. [hider=Post Example] I really hated going out during the day. My limbs felt unnaturally heavy, as if I had just been running, as I crossed the busy street. My eyes darted from one passerby to the next. I was acutely aware of just how helpless I was in my current situation - although the sky was overcast, it was still bright out, far too bright for me to materialize any shadows. All it would take was a single glance for someone to identify me and bring an end to my run of freedom. Of course, that was really unlikely. I was far from home, and my hoodie did a pretty good job of concealing my face. The blue-colored contacts I wore would protect me from identification as Gifted. Hopefully. I pushed open the door of the convenience store, careful not to let my face show on the security camera pointed toward the entrance. I grabbed one of the hand baskets provided for customers and quickly began scanning the shelves, throwing everything I wanted, from candy bars to Sprite, into it. Before long, I had everything I needed. Nervously, I approached the counter. I had cash, of course; I had stolen plenty of it from another store the previous night. It was really unfortunate that I couldn't phase under a doorway with a whole bundle of groceries in my arms. "That'll be $84.73," said the cashier, a thin man whose eyes seemed entirely too discerning for my comfort. I handed over the money. "That's an awfully lot of cash for a girl your age to be carrying around," said the man, eyebrows raised. A shot him a fake smile. "My older brother is just a few stores over," I lied, feigning indifference. It wasn't like he was ever going to look into the situation. People were happy to warn you of danger, but they'd never actually do anything about it. The man nodded. "I haven't seen you here before," he said, putting my purchases into plastic bags. "Just thought it was strange is all." Maybe he could tell how uneasy I was. I grabbed my bags as quickly as I could without raising suspicion. It was only after I was halfway down the street that I realized one of my contacts had fallen out. Looked like I would be hiding somewhere until nighttime. [/hider] Theme Song: [url=]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzhLj8UMOkE[/url] [/hider] I tried to limit the ability... let me know if it's too strong anyway. XD