[hider=Cia] [h2]Cia Milton[/h2] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/b41Wxav.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Cia Milton [b][u]Age: [/u][/b] 25 [b][u]Eye Colors:[/u][/b] Brown, they are now green though [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Cia is a very happy go lucky kind of girl, she finds the bright side of everything no matter what the situation, she often even brings people togeather with her great attitude. Cia is also seen as a natural born Leader due to her great ability to lead others who need help. Cia however has been known to snap and go on a complete rampage when something she cares about is hurt. Her language also becomes very vulgar when this happens. [b][u]Type[/u][/b]: Type 3 [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] Cia can move and crush multiple objects with her mind, this normally isn't noticable as she uses it at long range for the most part, however she has been known to create a sort of ethereal arms to use from time to time. Cia's limit to this power though is that she can't pick up something heavier than a car. Cia can not pick up other people, however she can pick up herself and float around for a short while. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] Cia was born into a rather nice family. They cared for her even when she first exhibited her powers. She was born with heavily deformed arms that had to be amputated when she was a young. At the age of 13 her abilities awakened, her life from there seemed to get easier as she had a far easier time moving around and even getting up. However once the Gifted Genocide began her family was killed trying to protect her. She was able to get away and has since worked to help protect other Gifted with The Conclave. [b][u]Post Example[/u][/b] [b][u]Other[/u][/b] Cia has a pet seagull that she has named Greg. [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrdEMERq8MA]Always Look on the Bright Side of Life[/url] [/hider] I call the comic relief!