[hider=Nikolai Young] [IMG]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140224235253/tsunagu/images/9/94/959470.jpg[/IMG] Name: Nikolai Young Age: 18 Eye Colors: Originally, he had brown eyes. Now his eyes are pink. Personality: Nikolai is seen as quiet, cold, distant, and emotionless. He has a really deadpan sense of humor that lends to this, as it's never really sure when Nikolai's joking or being deadly serious (and the fact that he does morally ambiguous things that he seems to think is funny doesn't help either). However, it seems that he hides his true self under this mask because of his fear of abandonment. Because of this, he prefers to stay as emotionally distant as possible from other Gifted as possible. However, there is glimpses of his personality before the events of the RP from time to time, as he used to be an outgoing and friendly, albeit incredibly smug young lad in his past. Type: 2 Abilities Physical: Nikolai awakened to his powers of electricity when he was fifteen. He mostly uses this ability to charge mechanical objects or to make a light to see from time to time. However, he can use it offensively, but only ends up using that if he feels like his safety is threatened. He does have some limitations to this ability, however. If he uses it for too long it drains his energy and causes him to lose consciousness. Things that do not conduct electricity such as rubber stops his powers instantly. Bio Post Example Other Theme Song: [url=]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-sjAqB-twc[/url] [/hider] WIP