[h2]Penoraya T'mivus - Raya[/h2] The walk to the compound was a silent one, almost like that of a funeral and it sort of was, they had to deliver news that the team to go get them was dead. Fun times this team had, or at least Raya thought so with all the trouble they got onto even they tried not to get into such situations. But they were also silent because they didn't want to attract too much attention to themselves. Even though she didn't mind a fight, she knew full well that the team had its limits, her included. So she was silent, keeping her head on the swivel and her biotics ready. With her biotics at the ready it made her a little bit more jumpy than normal. But she was use to it, as her biotics were usually ready to throw up a barrier or tear someone apart. When they came to the compound the lights were bright, nearly painfully so after the dark that they had just crossed through. Raya tensed, she didn't like meeting like this, in "no man's land" as there was evidence that Jek's men were capable of holding the line. She didn't want to be one of the smear marks just yet. Plus she didn't like crowds, and entering the compound meant that she would have to deal with others. As soon as Nik stepped into the light someone from the compound shot at them or Nik. Raya raised her weapon ready for whatever else may come. But someone called from the wall and this was were she stopped paying attention. Instead she turned her eyes over to the darkness, she could see the compound and knew what to expect from it but it was the darkness that held the unknown. She heard the door begin to open but her eyes remained on the darkness and sure enough something came flying from no man's land. [color=blue]"Shit!"[/color] was all she yelled before taking cover. The damned Crimson Fist seemed to have enough bodies to keep throwing themselves into the line of fire. [color=8882be][i]Are they breeding the damn Vorcha?[/i][/color] She thought as she laid on cover fire a small smirk played on her lips as she watched the enemy fall. But the fun didn't last long as she saw the large pulsating explosives, but it took her a moment to realize just what they were. [color=8882be][i]They planted explosives! SHIT![/i][/color] She didn't have time to move back, the explosion threw her back into something hard and metallic. Whatever it was it dug into her back causing pain to shoot up her spine. As she moved to push herself off the ground, pain again shot up through her spine. She hissed knowing that something was wrong, she reached around to touch her back and when she brought it back to look at it, her hand was covered in blood. Raya stood up and after taking a moment to breath she walked back to the group at the door. Though she didn't stand in front of anyone, she would have to ask Daro to look at it later. But right now wasn't the best time for such things, instead she would endure the pain and act normal as possible. Raya raised an eye brow when the Turian told Nik it was probably not a good idea to give his name then he himself gave his own name. Either he liked giving advice and not following his own or he was just dumb. She was thinking the latter. When Nik asked the team if they should bring the Turian on her first thought was yes, but after hearing Daro she felt conflicted. As after all she just got hurt from the explosives. [color=blue]"I'm all for causing mass death of the enemy, but I'm inclined to agree with Daro....."[/color] She paused as she looked from the Turian to the Drell. [color=blue]"But it's up to you boss, if he has other skills that can be used then sure. But the end choice is yours and we will follow what you say."[/color] Raya said in a rather nice way, which was different from her normal uncaring or sadistic way. She took in a slow breath trying to stop the pain, she could feel her suit pumping omigel and stims into her system. But she had tinkered with her suit earlier so that not a lot of either would be used, she didn't want to be caught in a fire fight and run out of either. This left her in pain for a bit while fighting, but she fought better while hurting just like animal, they were most vicious when hurt. It was the time in between the fighting that was annoying. [color=blue]"Daro step behind me.... please."[/color] She whispered into a private comm with the Quarian. She knew her use of the word Please would get Daro's attention and let her know that something was up. Raya didn't want to make a big deal about it, but she wasn't sure how the young one would react. Everyone acts different when someone they know gets hurt, and she was no exception. She remembered when Haze got hit once, she was worried and angrier and she took that anger out on the enemy. Poor buggers got ripped apart slowly. She never told Haze that she was worried though, she played that part down. She hated growing "soft" on her team.